Author's Note: A Little Update

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Hey everyone!! I'm sorry to throw this in so close to the end of this story, but since not a lot of you guys see my announcements I thought this might be the best way to update you all!

Let me begin by saying this: My Love is going to be completed.

I do not plan on leaving my readers hanging. I have an epilogue planned and even outlined, therefore, you will be getting an ending to this story. I promise.

It has taken me a while to write the next chapter, I know that, as some of you may know I have another fic I'm writing atm that is also coming to an end, and I'm also going to college and nearing finals season, apart from some other...personal events that have taken place these last couple of months 😬

ON TOP OF THAT battle scenes are pretty hard to come up with and translate into words 😅 it's all of this that I've been struggling with as I try to continue this fic.

But, despite everything, this chapter is in the works! And it will be published. I don't know of an exact date but hopefully by the end of November, or mid December.

I also just don't want to force it out of myself because I want this to be as good as I've been picturing it all this time, I don't wanna let you guys down!

Being completely honest with you all, I also hope the time it has taken to write this fic won't make you guys disappointed or mad at the ending I have planned for it 😅😅

And that's all I'll say about that 👀👀

I want to thank every one of you for all the patience if you're still here ❤ I love all of you and I want you to know I cherish every comment and every vote ❤ This fic was my first, and it won't be my last 😉

I hope you guys stick around for the ending, and for everything to come!! ✨

Love you all, and thanks for the patience 😭❤❤


Red ❤

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