A child

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About an hour had gone by of Thor telling you about Ragnarok, about his father, that struck a nerve in you, you wondered how Loki felt. You evaded every question he threw at you,  your cunning, that always present sixth sense your sorcery had gifted you with, told you it was best if Loki got to do the talking first, and you couldn't agree more.

Nevertheless Thor didn't seem angered or annoyed at you constantly returning his every hit, he was rather intrigued, and he was much more fun than Loki always described him to be, no, you had never met the god of thunder before, when you first met Loki you loathed the royal family, from that point on there weren't many chances to meet them, and Loki wasn't exactly the "come to my parent's for dinner" type of man.

-I wish you would at least tell me how you and my brother met- Thor said in an inquisitive tone.

You laughed lightly at the memory, Loki had sneaked out of the palace after a fit with, yes, his father, and found his way to you. He taught you magic in exchange for escape, back then you weren't in control of your strength, you made a deal, and the rest is history...
-Common interests- you told Thor, never losing your smile.

It was nice having some good company,  Thor had assured you him and his super club could take on Thanos, you had your doubts, but didn't express them, not yet. All would fit into place when Loki woke up.

Speaking of the devil, you heard rustling and an exasperated groan from the bedroom.

-I think someone's up- you got up from your seat. Thor went to stand and you raised your hand.
-Let me, you know how cranky he can get-

Thor looked confused, yet again, you couldn't get enough of the confused expressions on people's faces, you loved to imagine what he was thinking.

A hint of excitement and nervousness peaked at your chest before you stepped into the room, your fingers grazed the pendant lightly as you opened the door.

Ah, there he was, that bratty little bitch.

Leaning against the headboard with a very annoyed expression, scanning the room, you knew he didn't like it, he might've hated being a part of a royal family, but everyone knew he loved being a royal. Your own gaze travelled through his body, had he gotten bigger or had you forgotten just how wide his shoulders were? His eyes landed on you quickly. Iceberg blue.

-Syg...- he mumbled, his voice dry and gruff.

You couldn't help but smile.

-Loki...- you nodded at him and closed the door behind you.

You walked over to the side of his good arm, the other being supported by an improvised sling of your making, you gathered your skirt in your arms and sat by the edge of the bed, his hair messy and dirty, forming wild locks that fell to his shoulders, you ran your fingers through one of them, and then down his temple checking on his eyebrow cut, and down his cheek, now cupping it as his eyes admired your face, your mind drifting back to all your time with him, and all of the time without him, and how far you had felt him from you. Tears stung the corner of your eyes as you remembered the time some years ago when he faked his death, and how terrifying it felt.

-How do you feel?- you said as to distract you from the memory.

His signature smirk curled on his lips, and after five long years, they found yours. Desperate breathings were drawn by each of you at first, his lips were warm, and soft, and so familiar you lost yourself in nostalgia; the kiss slowed down as he cupped your face and drew his fingers up your jaw into your hair, your lips and tongues slowly dancing rhythmically as to savor every second making it as long as you could.
You pulled away, pecking him at least three times before stopping, and you both smiled against each other's mouths.

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