Geno, who was just going to pass by until he saw Error sitting at the piano as Fresh leaned against the door frame. Geno looked between Error and Fresh confused before getting closer to the room and standing next to Fresh. Fresh gave Geno a side glance as Geno gave one back as they stared at their brother.

Just like balloons
We soar on our own
Finally free from the pain of our home
And just like balloons
That no one will hold
Free from the truth
That no one will know
No one will know

Just little children
Not at all strange
Until the lights went out
And everything changed
Alone and afraid
For oh so long
Wondering what did we do wrong?

'Cause now the party's over
And everyone is red
I feel sick to my stomach
Or am I sick in the head?

Geno and Fresh looked at there brother with saddened expressions. Was this what he felt while in the anti-void? Asy, hearing music from down the hall walked over to see what the commotion was about but soon joining Geno and Fresh watching Error.

Just like balloons
We soar on our own
Finally free
From the pain of our home and just like balloons
That no one will hold
Free from the truth
That no one will know

No one will know
(No one will know)
No one will know

All of the pain
Far in the past
Yet echoes of screams
Forever will last

CQ had joined Asy Geno and Fresh as the all watched with baited breath to hear the end of the song. Tears slightly rolled down Error face as he took a deep breath and sang the chorus one final time.

Just like balloons
We soar on our own
Finally free from the pain of our home
And just like balloons
That no one will hold
Free from the truth
That no one knows
No one knows

Error took a moment to catch his breath while whipping the tears from his eye sockets. Error flinched as he heard someone clapping behind him. One person became two and two became four. Everyone standing and watching the spectacle that Error had just preformed was applauding like an audience in a large crowd. Error turned to the group in shock. Sure he thought of the possibility of one of them passing by but for all of them to watch him play brought a yellow blush of embarrassment to his cheek bones. "How much did you guys hear?" Error asked them. Geno was about to answer when they heard a familiar beep of a camera that stopped recording. They all turned to Fresh as he had the biggest smile on his face and phone in hand. "Been here for da whole bro bro. Geno came around not to long after then Asy and Ma. And I recorded the whole thing." Fresh said in a bit of a cocky tone.

Error's face flushed even brighter as he buried his face into his royal scarf and groan. Fresh started tapping away on his phone. "Aaaaaaaannnnnnnnddddddd posted." Fresh said with one final press on his phone. Error's head jolted up. "What did you do?" He asked his younger brother. "I just posted the video onto YouTube." Fresh said with a smile. Error sighed. "I would be mad but I'm not really surprised and I don't really care if you did at this point." Error said looking up and giving his younger brother a soft smile. Geno held his chin in thought before snapping his head up and snapping his finger. Everyone looked at Geno confused. "I have an idea. What if we started a music channel? We could make some money and help mom with the taxes as well as have fun doing something we like!" Geno said with stars in his eyes. It reminded Error of how Blue's eye became starry with excitement. Fresh looked at Geno "I'm down for that brah." Error looked between his two brothers before smiling. "Sounds like fun to me." And with that it was decided. Fresh, Geno, and Error had made a YouTube channel for music. They plan to ask the others to join as well but time will only tell. They have a sound system set up now as well. Error was on piano and sometimes was vocals, they more or less switched between who was on Vocals, Fresh was on flute ( TheMiraculousMatt you know why) and Geno was on the drums. Little did everyone know that a certain group of people had seen the video and gained a mass of confusion.

I had started making this and yes it subsided but then I had to help make and eat dinner and was continuously told to do things after I ate when I wasn't even close to finished and then it came back as worse. My head was throbbing. I took a break and worked on the chapter for a bit. I have a bit of a mini chapter planed next and I'm hoping I'll have time to get that up by the time I want to get it up. We'll have to see.

Can't you see, I'm in pain tooWhere stories live. Discover now