Chapter Seven - Tuesday (Huge Misunderstanding)

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Prem's of Point View

"How dare you promise me forever and break it!" What did I do that was so bad? Boun stood up, as I walked towards him, my blood was boiling.

"Salapao," He started say, reaching for me, oh hell no!

"Don't!" I warned him, "don't call me that!"

Boun's eyes were blazing mad, like they had been before when he kissed me, but this time, if he tried, I would most likely deck him.

"You deserved it asshole!" He shouted at me. "You're the liar! Not me." He was crying so hard, and it almost broke me. "You betrayed me first!"

He said this before, when were in bed as I was falling asleep. I still had no clue what he was referring to. I was so lost.

"How did I betray you?" What could I have done that was so bad for him to prank me, end our friendship, and break my heart in front of everyone?


The moment he said it, my eyes popped, my blood ran cold, and my body went numb. I knew exactly who and what he was talking about.

"Are you gonna deny it?" He challenged me with anger, hurt, and betrayal in his eyes.

Unable to speak, I could only shake my head. Yes, I did kiss someone else, but in my defense, it wasn't what it looked like.

"It's not what you think," I started to say,

"Not what I think?" Boun laughed indignantly and shook his head, "did your lips slip and fall on hers?"

" wasn't an happened, just not the way you're thinking..." I stammered, as Boun dredged to the sofa and sat down.

"Do you remember when she moved in across from you?" He asked me.

"Yes," I sighed joining him, "the year before."

"You started spending more time with her, and less time with me." He sounded dead inside, making me feel even worse. "When you did have time for me, it was always, 'Sammy this, and Sammy that,' it drove me crazy."

"Why didn't you just tell me it bothered you?"

"I didn't want to scare you away," He revealed sadly his eyes now on me, "you hadn't even turned eleven yet, and I had just turned thirteen. I thought something was wrong with me." He gestured towards himself, and I grabbed his hand in mine. I was relieved he didn't pull away.

"Go on." I urged him. Boun took a long deep breath before continuing.

"I would stay up late at night, asking myself 'Why do I want to kiss my best friend? How can I still like girls, but also like him?' All of these confusing feelings, along with you spending so much time with Sammy," More tears fell from his eyes, and I used my free hand to wipe them away. I tightened my grip on his hand.

"I was starting to feel the same way." I confessed.

"But you kissed Sammy!" Boun said looking at me completely heartbroken, "you think spiders was bad? That pales in comparison to seeing the one person you love kissing someone else!" He tried to pull away. I refused to let him go.

"Just hear me out for a second, please?" I pleaded.

"No, I can't deal with reliving this over again!" Boun shook his head and started trying to get up, "I don't want to do this anymore! I want out!" He yelled loudly hoping our friends would hear his pleas.

I could only think of one way to get him to calm down,

I pulled his face towards mine and kissed him with everything I had—hard at first, and then softer as he stopped resisting, soon he surrendered to me and kissed me back with increasing intensity. Eventually we pulled apart to catch our breath.

Hate That I Love You (BounPrem) ***COMPLETE***Where stories live. Discover now