Dareth's Dating Disaster // Kailor (AU)

Start from the beginning

"Bad idea." Skylor giggled.

"Very bad idea." Kai agreed. "But my friends liked it, so her fiancé started to look up dating shows on his phone. Long story short, this one had an online application form, and my friends signed me up right away."

"That's one of the best stories I've heard all summer." Skylor laughed.

"Not if you're the one who has to go on stage." Kai stated. "But what about you? How did you end up working here, if you're obviously not a big fan of the show yourself?"

"Oh, I'm not really working here." She informed him. "I'm just doing an internship with NGTV at the moment; it's a requirement for my MSc program in Media and Communication."

"Sounds exciting."

"I wish." The redhead sighed. "They just move me from one lowly assistant position to the next. The most interesting thing I've learned is how Cliff Gordon likes to drink his coffee."

"You've met the Cliff Gordon?" Kai was impressed. "My friends, especially my future brother-in-law, are some of his biggest friends."

"If you still need a wedding present, I can give you the recipe." Skylor offered, using her swipe card to open the door to the studio building.

Kai winked at her. "Can you add a used coffee cup?"


"Ah, Mister Smith." The conversation was interrupted by a brunette woman who enthusiastically greeted him. "I'm Gayle Gossip, the producer. It's such a pleasure to meet you. We absolutely loved your application."

"Uhm, lovely to meet you Ms Gossip." Kai replied, faking excitement. "I am very excited to be here." From the corner of his eyes, he saw Skylor struggling to suppress a giggle.

Gayle checked her watch. "We're almost ready to go. Dareth is just meeting the other contestants right now – one of whom will become your Perfect Match – so let's get you ready first before you talk to him, okay? Chen will take you to the make-up artist."

"Make-up?" Kai sighed inwardly; if his friends found out, he surely would never hear the end of it.

"Don't worry, they usually just use some concealer, plus a bit of powder to mop up sweat and shine." Skylor assured him.

"And ask them to use some eyeliner." Gayle requested.

"What's wrong with my eyes?" Kai wondered. Usually, people would admire his unique shade of amber.

"Nothing, they're absolutely stunning." Skylor smiled. "That's why she wants to bring some attention to them."

"Thanks." Kai blushed. "You're very beautiful as well. Uhm, I mean, you have very beautiful eyes as well."

"Thank you. But blue eyes really are not that special."

"Oh, don't say that to my sister. That was the first thing she noticed about her boyfriend. 'Argh, that guy is so annoying, he just doesn't know how shut up, but have you seen his eyes? They look just like sapphires.'" He spoke in a high-pitched voice.

"Awww, how cute." Skylor giggled. "But my eyes for sure don't look like gemstones. When I was a kid, my friends used to call me Ariel, the little mermaid."

"What's wrong with her?" Kai asked. "She's lovely. Blue eyes and red hair."

"And a tail. Plus, I'm not a cartoon character." Skylor claimed. "Anyway, here we are. Have fun." She winked at him as she ushered him into the dressing room.

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