~Chapter Ten~

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Year One

One by one, each of her fellow new first year students were called up to sit at the front of the room - not only in front of their fellow classmates and first years, but all the other students and staff of Hogwarts as well - in the Choosing Ceremony.

No pressure, no pressure at all. 

It wasn't all that difficult, the ceremony, you really didn't have to do anything, the hat did all the work for you, the Sorting Hat.

All while the rest of the school - literally - stared at you, waiting, wondering, in anticipation.

No pressure, indeed.  

"Hannah Grace!" Professor McGonagall called.  

Were they really to the surnames starting with 'G' already? 

That was her - she was the next name on the list.

Stares from the crowd of students and soon-to-be sorted students followed the small, auburn-haired girl as she shuffled her way up to the front.

Don't be nervous , you knew this was coming, after all, she told herself, reminded herself. Mum and Dad had practically talked the whole way to the train station that morning about it, reminiscing about their time in Slytherin House, where they had met all those many years ago. It had made Hannah roll her eyes - recalling it again now made her roll her eyes. 

 And everyone had to do it, no one remained un-sorted, right?

She tried to calm herself and her sudden nerves. 

She stepped up and sat on the stool, just like the last several students before her, and Professor McGonagall placed the hat on her head and over her eyes. 

This was no small thing - this was a major deciding factor of the next several years of her life.

So no pressure. No pressure at all. 

One chance, four houses...

Not Slytherin, please not Slytherin, she silently pleaded. Any one but Slytherin...

Not Slytherin, hmm? But the hat seemed to hear her, and echoed her thoughts, startling her. And why not? As I recall, both of your parents, Matthias and Natalia Grace, were Slytherins and it served them both well. Very well in fact.

I'm terrified of snakes, was her weak response. She heard the hat chuckle in response, if hats could even do such a thing. Clearly, this one could. 

I-It may have served my parents well, but I just don't think it would serve me best, she admitted.

Hmm, I am sensing qualities in you that would suit and fit every house... The kindness of Hufflepuff, the cleverness of Ravenclaw, the dedication and bravery of Gryffindor, as well as the rebellious nature of Slytherin...

The hat was honestly frightening her a little bit - could it really sense all that about her, this wrinkly old hat? Apparently so.

Hey! I may be wrinkly and old, but that's not all I am!

Oh! She had forgotten it could hear her thoughts.  Sorry...

 And yes, it said, I can sense all that, all that about you. And more...

This was not so helpful with her already present nerves.

She felt like this was taking forever. Sure, many students sat upon the stool before the others for a very long time before the hat finally  came to a decision, but she felt like with her it was taking forever.

Each and every student feels that way... The hat assured her.

Still, this wasn't as comforting as it could have been.

Well, then, I give you, Hannah Grace- 


The red and gold table erupted into cheers. Hannah stumbled down off the stood and rushed over, in a daze.

Gryffindor - she was a Gryffindor!

She took her place at her new house table along with her fellow Gryffindors.  

When it got to him, the hat barely touched Draco's head before shouting "SLYTHERIN!" Well, Draco would certainly be happy about that. As would his parents. As would her parents. 

Two identical red haired boys came and sat beside her, one on either side, surprising her.  "Hi there!" they said in unison.

"Hello," she returned with a giggle.

"Welcome to Gryffindor!"


"That's Fred."

"And he's George." They pointed to each other. 

"Hannah." She laughed as she crossed one arm over the other, shaking both their hands at once. What a fun meeting!

Turned out, these were Ron's older brothers. Ron himself made it into Gryffindor, as did Harry, and Hermione Granger who became Hannah's roommate in their dorms. 

Sorted into Gryffindor, friends with the Weasleys and a girl with Muggle parents - her parents wouldn't be all that thrilled, but she could honestly care less! This was her life, not theirs, and she wasn't going to let them control it. 

This was the start of something truly great, she just knew it. 

During that first year at Hogwarts, she gained many friends, three new close ones, but also lost a close one as well. And that loss would haunt the rest of her time at the school. 

(Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed! :))

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