Chapter 22

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Philippines POV

" What do you mean he's still in there," said Philippines, shaking Canada. America was laid at her feet, coughing.

" He told me to take America and run," said Canada," I didn't have a choice."

Philippines slapped him. Then she turned to China," We have to get him."

" And how do you think we're gonna do that," said China, propping Ame up so he could vomit out ash," By getting cooked alive with him. He's my closest friend, he wouldn't want that."

" Well I'm going to get him," said Pip.

And before the others could stop her, she pulled her bandanna over her nose and mouth, said a quick prayer, and ran in the way Canada ran out.


Russia POV

Russia was laying in the ground, coughing out of control. It didn't matter. America and the others were safe. Wait...but he didn't want to die. He fought back the fog that covered his mind. It had done this before, when he was mauled, but it was stronger this time.

He fought it. His hip was throbbing, his arm aching. Back right we're he had started. Laying on the ground, unable to move, in pain. Except this time he couldn't breath. He started to drag himself, using his arms he dragged himself a short distance towards the exit hall.

But he couldn't do it anymore. He was coughing so violently he thought he was gonna cough up one of his lungs. He laid on the floor and wept. But it's okay, their safe. His wish would be granted, that foolish wish. To die alone.

" You've seen better days."

Russia looked up at Britain. He couldn't bring himself to be mad, it was too late for that.

" You got your wish," said Britain," I hope it's everything you ever dreamed."

Gun shots. Britain staggered back, a crimson puddle spread across his chest. He and Russia both looked to see who shot him. Australia glared back, gun in hand. Britain smiled wickedly at him, then collapsed into one of the fires, dead.

Russia looked at Australia, Australia looked back. Would he make the right choice. Australia glared. No. He was about to make the wrong choice. He put the gun to his head, Russia looked away, not wanting to see, but he heard. Australia wanted to die knowing he had won, he he did.

Russia realized he was slipping. He fought, struggled, willed himself to live. But it wouldn't work. Not this time. He closed his eyes. And gave in to the fog.


Philippines POV

She coughed, her eyes filled with smoke and tears. She scanned the room. There were about three bodies. Britain, dead. Australia, dead. Russia. She ran towards him, ducking away from flames as she ran. She knelt beside him and felt his chest, neck, wrist, searching desperately for a pulse, a heart beat. He was breathing feebly. He was alive. She shook his slightly.

" Hey," she said," I'm here, hang on."

She put one of his arms over her shoulder and grabbed his waist with her free hand. Then she staggered out.

The fire roared on.

" Don't die," said Philippines, she kept taking.

" Don't die."

" We're here."

" Don't die."

" Your not alone."

\\THE KILL SWITCH//-(RusAme AU)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu