Chapter 14

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Panting, I sat up in my bed. It took me a few moments to realize it had just been a dream, and I sighed, lying back down on my bed. My eyes wandered over to Daehyun. He was sitting on his bed, reading a book.

"You were talking in your sleep again" he said without looking at me.

I was surprised that he talked to me. Then, I started worrying what exactly I had said. Hopefully it had not been enough for him to know what had happened in my dream.

"What did I say?"

It took a few seconds until he answered, eyes still fixed on the book in front of him. "Didn't understand most of it."

I nodded and sighed again. I still felt horrible from the dream and usually, I'd just go over to him and get some cuddles so I'd feel better. But now, I wasn't even sure if we would ever hug each other again. I really needed some comfort right now. I wanted to feel his warmth, his arms wrapped around me, his soft lips on my skin… I just missed being with him like we had been before.

"Are you okay?" I asked carefully. It was strange seeing him up doing something at this time.

He nodded.

"Aren't you tired?"

"I slept earlier."


I got comfortable and closed my eyes again. I really could not tell how he was feeling right now. He didn't sound like he was mad at me anymore. He just sounded tired.

It hurt me to see him like this, but if he didn't talk to me about the things bothering him, I could not help him. He needed to make the first step to this. I had tried already.

"Junhong, do you have a moment?" I asked the boy after class. Daehyun had already left the room. I had been hoping it would get better after he had talked to me last night, but he had not said a single word to me the whole day.

"Sure. If it doesn't take too long though, I really gotta pee." he grinned. "What is it?"

"I… Just had a weird dream last night and I wanted to tell you about it, because you were involved…" I looked around the room. The last of our classmates were just leaving. "Basically, in the dream we… kinda hooked up I guess."

He looked at me in disbelief, then laughed. "Oh god, really? How was it?"

"I didn't see how it happened, just the morning after. But it was all pretty strange. And I just had to tell someone about this…"

"It's fine, don't worry. Kinda funny though. Hey you aren't into me, right? Not that it'd bother me but I can't give you any hope at all."

I smiled at him, glad he reacted in such a chill way. "Nah, don't worry. I couldn't give you any hope either."

Junhong chuckled and gave me a light pat on the back. "See you at dinner today?"

"Not sure. If Daehyun won't eat with me I'll come to you."

He nodded lightly, but I could see in his eyes that he didn't like my answer. But I just couldn't tell him about my relationship and past with Daehyun. I had promised I wouldn't tell anyone.

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