chapter 4

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The first week went by faster than expected. There was no lesson where Daehyun wouldn't touch my leg or my hand from time to time, no break without talking about what happened in the past two years and no night without sleeping in the same bed. Everytime I looked at him he would give me a smile. In other words, I was as happy as I never believed I could be.

Then, Friday came. Our first lesson was sports, we went to the same changing rooms as Junhong and three other guys from our class whose names I couldn't remember, but I had noticed earlier, that they always stared at Daehyun like they planned to kill him. Also, two of them seemed too be older than us.

In the lesson, we played basketball. The six of us were one team and none of them seemed too happy about that. But we played good and won the first game. The second one was won by the other team so we had a third round. It started good for us and we thought we'd win again, but then the other team suddenly made so many goals that we had the same score only a minute before the game ended.

"You make the last goal for us." One of the olders said to Daehyun, handing him the ball. "Don't mess this up."

Daehyun started running and almost reached the right spot to make a goal from, but then a guy from the other team decided to trip him up and Daehyun fell. The one from the other team took the ball, while I ran towards Daehyun, helping him up. "Are you okay?" I asked and he nodded.

In this moment, the teacher whistled and the game was over. The other team had scored the last goal right before the game ended.

Nobody talked, when we were back in the changing room. Junhong left first when he was ready, followed by two of the others. Only Daehyun, me and one of the older guys were left in the small room.

"It's your fault." He suddenly said, glaring at Dae. "You fucking messed it up."

"You just could have done it yourself, don't blame me now." Daehyun answered, sounding annoyed.

"What did you just say??" The older guy got up, grabbed Dae's shirt and pushed him against the wall. "It's your fault you stupid son of a bitch, shut the fuck up!" His voice got louder with every word.

"Hey, stop it! It was just a game!" I said, trying to calm him down but it didn't work. "You better leave now, or do you want to be the next one?"

"Leave Youngjae alone! This is between you and me!" Daehyun said, but he better should have not because the answer was a punch in his stomach.

"What you gonna do about it Jung, huh? Kill me?" he looked at me again. "I said get out!"

I did what he told me to and went out of the room. Then I saw our teacher walking by and ran after him. Only seconds later, we both went back to the changing room and the teacher opened the door.

"BANG YONGGUK, LET HIM GO!" he shouted and pulled him away from Daehyun, who was pressing his hands on his stomach and had a bruise on his right eye. I could tell he was in pain. The teacher brought that Yongguk guy outside and I immediately made my way over to Dae, who sank down onto the bench.

"How are you? Should I bring you to the doctor?" I asked, carefully taking a look at the bruise in his face.

"Leave me alone. I don't need help." he just said and pushed my hand away.

"But Dae, you-"

"I said leave me alone, Youngjae! I don't want your help, I don't need it, I don't need you!" he said angrily and got up, took his stuff and left.

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