Chapter 5

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Daehyun didn't come to any of the following lessons, so I decided to skip lunch and search for him instead but I didn't find him anywhere. The afternoon lessons I spent with thinking what my mistake could have been. I just wanted to help him, why had he reacted like that?

"Hey Jae, do you want to sit with us at dinner?" Junhong asked after the last lesson.

"I don't know, I have to find Daehyun."

He sighed and put his hand on my shoulder. "You didn't even have lunch and now you want to skip dinner too?"

I shrugged. "I'm just worried."

"I understand, but this is not the first time he disappeared for a day. I don't think you have to worry much, he always came back."

"Okay... But I'll only sit with you when he's not back till then."

When I entered the dining hall, I still couldnt see daehyun anywhere. But I saw Junhong waving me over to him and smiled shyly when I reached the table he was sitting at. "Come on, sit down. I don't bite. The others will come soon hopefully."

"Who do you mean with the others?" I asked, slightly scared that Yongguk would appear here and get his revenge on me.

"Oh, just some friends of me, Jongup, Yongguk and Himchan. The guys who were in our team today."

I bit my lip, but did not say anything. I was not sure if Junhong had heard about what happened in the changing rooms, and I was hoping that Yongguk would leave me alone when the others were here.

Luckily, Yongguk did not come. He was not allowed to leave his room because of what happened. Except Junhong, nobody really talked to me a lot, which I was thankful for, since I did not want to talk about Daehyun or the incident with Yongguk.

When I came back to our room later, Daehyun still wasn't there. Sighing, I went to bed. But I couldn't sleep, I was too worried. It felt strange to lie in my own bed for the first time. I turned around, now facing the wall. I felt like I was lying there for hours, not able to sleep. I just missed him.

together [daejae]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora