chapter 13

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I slowly open my eyes to find myself in a dark room what a classic I would say it never gets old.

My throat is suddenly dry and my head is aching it feels like I am hearing a drilling sound in my head which is simply contributing to the pain I feel.

I take a deep breath talking myself out of the panic I am soon going to experience , I ain't a coward but I wouldn't like to be tortured before I die. The worst thing you could do is keep me hungry and then kill me because right now I am starving.

I try to get loose but my hands are tied with a robe and it's starting to turn blue from all the pressure the robe is inflicting on my hands.

I don't even know how long I have been out. This place is awkwardly silent and the silence terrifies me.

The door creaks open , how happy I am to see the light. A tall slightly broad man with long hair that touches his shoulder with a huge scar on his left eye walks in and later followed by few other men of which I don't see as the door shuts and the room is once more dark.

The man bends in front of me as he pulls a strip of hair away from my face ,he takes a sniff at my cologne and he smiles.

"Hai l'odore del paradiso" ( You smell like heaven). The urge I have to spit in his face.

He stands up and walks around until he stands behind me I feel him reach down my neck as he pulls my hair to one side and whispers.

È un peccato doverti uccidere, una donna cosi bella da farmi quasi venire le lacrime agli occhi" (It's a shame I have to kill you , a women so beautiful, it almost brings tears to my eyes) I scoff at his pathetic comment as I feel him kiss my right ear and then stands up and takes a chair as he sits right in front of me holding a small lamp giving this dark room some light.

He places the lamp on his left leg and for the first time I notice his beautiful hazel eyes and damn he was good looking , but his appearance still had no comparison to the fact that he was going to kill me.

"I am going to ask you once and I expect you to answer signorina ,where did you put the drive and files" his voice is deep but it sounds hoarse. What has he been doing. I drive the thought out my head as I look him straight in the eyes.

"I don't know what you are talking about" his eyes darken and then he cleans his teeth.

"Why is it that female like to complicate things , you are making this more difficult than it is suppose to be " he runs his hands down his beautiful long black hair as he stares.

"I told you I don't know, why is it that men like you never know when to leave a women alone?" My question makes him smirk and clap his hands dramatically and he looks almost sexy when he smirks that way.

"Fine have it your way " he stands up abruptly and from freaken thin air a knife appears in his right hand as he swings it left and right.

If he was trying so scare me he could do better than that something about him was off , he just didn't give off that terrifying approachable aura that most guys in movies seem to have.

"Are you trying to scare me , because it's not working you are doing a terrible job" I say bluntly , it's his soft voice that's it ,that's why he doesn't seem terrifying his soft somewhat clam voice was betraying him.

He laughs sarcastically at my comment as he raises his hands up in defeat , comical I would say.

"I shall not lay a hand on you signorina ,there is  something on you I like ,I will leave testa di toro (bull head) to do the honors hopefully you will feel much comfortable speaking to him signorina." He smiles at the thought, which leaves me thinking about what testa di toro means, the name lingers in my head for a minute.

I am starting to hate Italian how I miss the Italian classes I took before I ditched the language.

He takes his chair and moves not before giving me a defining smile I hate his confidence what was the smile for , I hate the fact that he walks so proudly with that chair.

If he thinks that testa di paro or whatever he said the person was would make me speak than his dreaming cause I am not saying anything.

A man walks in front of me and to be honest I was bursting with laughter , the guy looked so pathetically skinny and fragile it looked like I could break him with my bare hands and this was the person who would apparently terrify me to a point to make me speak.

"I wouldn't laugh if I were you." I would say otherwise.

The man bends in front of me as he stares at me awkwardly , his stare was so intense forcing me to look the other way and wipe the smile of my face.

He pulls my face towards him so that I could look him in the eye as he grabs my neck and slowly tightens his grip.

"I won't ask again , where did you put it." How am I suppose to speak if his gripping my bloody neck.

"I can't breathe " I muster all the strength in my body to say those words ,his grip slowly loosens

"I don't know " I wasn't going to say anything next thing I know is him punching me hard in the stomach , I screech at the pain I was feeling , I was crying and I couldn't stop myself.

"Where is it?" I give him the same answer as before and this time he pulls my hair and I swear it was excruciatingly painful.

"Stop you are hurting me " he laughs coldly of cause he knew he was inflicting pain on me. He punches me across the face and I think I almost feel my tooth fall out.

I scream as the pain increases and so does his punches. I have never been tortured before and now that I am, all I want is my mommy.

My face feels heavy from all those punches and now I can't feel my hands ,I look down to see that my wrist has turned a dark blueish black colour.

"Will you speak signorina? " his question infuriates me and I find myself spitting in his face. I shouldn't have done that and now he was going to kill me for sure.

He takes out a plier and plays with it as he stares at me coldly. "You don't want to that" I wouldn't like him to do anything with what he was holding.

My heart beats faster as he steps closer bends in front of me , takes my hand and puts my index finger in between the plier as he waits.

"Please tell me signorina where it is ,I wouldn't like to cut your fingers with this plier the pain will be excruciating." My tears begin to fall even harder as I quiver at the thought. I should just tell them but they would kill me any way.

"Fine your decision." He didn't even give me a minute worth of thought as he presses the plier , I feel it tighten,it felt like my finger was being cut slowly , I couldn't scream anymore , the sound in my mouth refused to come out.

I hear a gunshot. I see a trail of blood flow down the centre of my torturer's head as his eyes widen and his grip loosen and slowly falls on my lap and just like that I faint.

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