chapter 8

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I am panting so much unable to stop myself from breathing so heavily ,if they saw me I would be done for ,I hold on to my camera for composure and support.

Belvano was right Antonio was a crook , a very smart one that tracker I managed to put on his rosary was the best idea I could of thought of ,who knew one could get tiny trackers?

The man didn't take off his rosary and now I could follow him anyway , I have understood why no one has found dirt on him till this very day the man knew how to go around,he would spent most of his  days in the office but once in a while he would slip.

And right now it was one of those days. So significant for him to choose a raining day and a deserted wracked home in the middle of a forest as a good choice of hideout.

I had to bribe and convince a cab driver to wait for me. They were precisely three man speaking heavy Italian and they were speed talking cause I couldn't understand the words that were flying out of their mouths, they seemed to be  arguing. I switch on my recorder and hold onto my camera ready to take as much pictures as possible ,I have been following Antonio for quite some time and I have an adequate amount of information but I needed more to bring him down.

Antonio finally shows himself in the dark as he seems to be calming the man down , I don't know what he said but the man seemed to have stopped their argument and were now looking around ,could they have seen me?

My heart is beating so fast and my hands have suddenly began shaking.

I mentally talk myself into calming down as the man resume with their conversation. Later a women is brought screaming in what sounded like German ,she is placed on a chair Antonio walks to her and offers her water but she declines as she spits in his face.

Worthless b*tch.

The man with a large scar on his face  says  smacking the women across her face totally dislocating her neck. The movement has got me feeling goosebumps. Another picture.

Antonio whispers into the women's ear and kisses her hand he nods his head.The man next to him with a crucifix in his hand dangling for life , pulls out his gun and shots the women straight in the head ,she lowers her head ,her neck unable to sustain the weight of her head and just like that she's dead, blood falling down like droplets of water kissing the ground.

I shudder as my  hands are shaking but I have gotten what I came here for , I wasn't expecting him to be a killer or partake in murder but it seems the man is much evil than he looks with no sign of regret in his face no remorse. He hides in the dark.

I take that as my cue to get out of this place,once I reach outside I run for my life just wanting to get to the cab driver. I run into the woods like a headless chicken looking in all direction once I get inside the car ,we drive slowly back to a bus station.

I look around my apartment door before getting in , I lock the door as I drop my bags ,go to my room and fall on the bed with a thud sighing, I run my hand through my hair I can't believe I just saw a murder scene ,it was nothing like in the movies.

I get up from bed and pull out my computer from under my bed as I search for famous German and Italian women connected to Antonio I had to find out who the women was.

I couldn't find her , no pictures no information, she wasn't a journalist ,actress neither model.

I slowly feel my eyes drowsy as I give into the sleep and fall asleep.

Antonio's desireWhere stories live. Discover now