• Chapter One •

Start from the beginning

"It's happening again, isn't it?" She asked softly before she gazed at the TV screen.

Reed looked up at this with a frown and turned to see her sad face. "No." He said firmly as he moved to stand in front of her, looking into her blue eyes as she stared up at him. "We're not postponing anything. Not this time. This will be the wedding you've always dreamed of and I'm not going to let anything get in the way of that."

A small smile slowly reached the older Storm sibling's lips as her fiancée grasped her hands gently in his.

"Not even the mysterious transformation of matter at subatomic level." He added.

Her smile broadened. "That's the most romantic thing you've ever said to me." She replied and leaned in to give him a kiss but they were stopped as a voice spoke out.

"Which is really pathetic when you think about it." Johnny said with a chuckle but was silenced when he felt a stinging pain on the back of his head.

He rubbed the sore spot and looked at the brunette, who glared at him with an arched brow, sliently daring him to say something else.

Susan glared at her little brother and before she or any of the Richards siblings could utter a word, an airline attendant had approached Reed.

"Dr Richards," The attendant said with a nod in the dark haired man's direction. "I am very sorry but it seems that we're overbooked. We do have some seats available in coach, though."

Reed frowned and turned to the side where Ben stood, lifting a set of twins into the air by their collars for a picture which their mother took.

The scientist was a little unsure but he accepted the idea. "That shoulde be fine." He said with a small smile.

About an hour later, everyone - including the heroes - had boarded the plane

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About an hour later, everyone - including the heroes - had boarded the plane.

Ben walked along the isle, glancing between the seat numbers and his ticket until he stumbled across his seat which was situated between an old man and a business woman.

"Uh, that's my seat." He said, looking between the two apollogetically while pointing towards his seat as they looked back at him with shocked expressions. "Sorry." He added.

With an inaudible sigh, the man unbuckled his seat belt and stood up in order for the rocky figure to scoot past and slide into his seat.

It was a little struggle with a few grunts before he was finally seated and got himself strapped in, apart from it being a very tight squeeze.

Reed stood by his seat next to Susan as he glanced around for an overhead compartment to place his briefcase in, only to find that almost every single one was full and being closed by the flight attendants.

Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted one and quickly stretched his arm across to place his briefcase in the empty spot before the woman who was packing her belongings away, could.

Kayla walked down the isle, holding Johnny's hand in hers as he walked behind her. The couple approached their siblings whose seats were located together in the middle of the two isles.

Their seats were situated behind them.

As the brunette slid into her seat, Johnny knelt on the seat in front of his sister. "What do you guys think about trying to get an endorsment from an airline?" He asked, glancing between his sister and the scientist. "Get us a private jet."

"I think we have enough endorsment deals." Susan replied.

Kayla let out a scoff and leaned forward in her seat. "Enough to last us a lifetime." She added onto the blonde woman's response.

The younger Storm sibling let out a chuckle with a slight shake of his head. "That is funny." He said. "No, but seriously," He continued as he looked towards Reed. "Reed, it could help you subsidize all your little inventions."

Reed shook his head and looked at the blonde male with a smile. "No thanks." He said and took his seat beside his fiance.

"Consider it." Johnny pressed.

"Get your ass over here and sit down, Storm!" Kayla exclaimed to which Johnny immediately obliged.

"Ladies and gentleman, this is your captain speaking." The pilot's voice spoke over the intercom. "We will be taking off in less than five minutes. Ensure that you are seated, buckled in and that all cellular devices are turned off. Thank you."

Johnny quickly slid into his seat and buckled his seat belt before he shifted his gaze to Kayla, which made her turn to him; blue meeting hazel.

He sent her a soft smile and held his hand out for her to take. Returning his smile, the brunette placed her hand in his and the two settled into their seats as the sound of the plane's engines started.

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