Chapter 27: The Wind Kingdom

Comenzar desde el principio

"So it's the boy's turn" Matilda says

"So which kingdom next" I say already missing my kingdom.

"The Fire Kingdom" Drake says

Jayden shuffles nervously and we follow the slanty area. We walk a little distance before we see a gate Welcome to The Fire Kingdom, watch out or get burned down written on the gate. What a weird first impression!!! We pass the gates and the first colour which was totally obvious was red.

It was hot and the sun seemed capable of frying you into chicken. But apart from it's heat, it was a beautiful kingdom. Red is a beautiful colour that stands out. It was bustling with activity, people busy doing one thing or another at every corner.

I notice young people at a corner practicing how to fight. A fierce looking man barking out orders on what they should do. It reminded me of Ray and how he is always teaching us tactics. Lately, he started teaching us how to fight without our powers. And yeah he shouted a lot but you could see he was trying to be easy on us.

Jayden looks intently at the people fighting and training. We see some boys running away and bumping into people on the way, a fat man shouting behind and throwing curses. They must have done something wrong, I think chuckling to myself as the man continues shouting. As I said, it still looked beautiful.

Fire tourches at the side which were out, probably turned on in the night. The streets were covered in a goldish colour and with red it was a beautiful design. Trees with red paintings and markings on them. Houses built beautifully with the common red colour, and fire tourches around. I knew this place will surely be a wonderful sight at night.

I look at Jayden as he takes in his environment. And I see a flicker of familiarity in his eyes, as if this was his home. As if he lived here all his life and knows how it feels to be here. That makes me think of his life outside here?? Outside this whole Gods and Goddesses thing??

"Guys I think we should speed things up" Matilda says

"Yeah it's getting late" Drake adds

"Yeah but just give me a minute" Jayden says

He looks around one more time before he turns to us and nods his head. As we walk there was silence and it's like going to The Fire Kingdom reminded Jayden of something, something he tried to avoid. We stop at the sign and walk towards the Earth Kingdom Welcome to The Earth Kingdom where Nature lives written boldly on the gate.

We pass the gates and as the name implied. It really was like home on Earth, there were little differences here and there. But you could see the resemblance, they were almost the same. A part of the Kingdom was full of bushes and trees. Another part was cleared for people's day to day activities.

They were workplaces all around and it looked liked the busy part of the kingdom. We walked towards the bushes and what we see is breathtaking. Houses were built and there were fireflies buzzing around. A little stream at the far end but it was nothing compared to the rivers at The Water Kingdom.

They looked like small ponds to relax after a hard days work. Their houses were built in the form of huts and you could feel this kingdom was really all about nature. We see Lizards, Sheep and many other animals walking around.

"This place looks like Mother Nature pooped it out" Jayden says jokingly

"Yeah exactly how she would have wanted everywhere to be" Matilda says

"But it is beautiful" I say gasping

"And it could take years to explore what lay behind those trees" Drake says pointing towards a forest covered with trees

"Hey why don't we check it out now" Jayden says

"But we are getting late" Matilda murmurs

"Remember we might never have a chance to do this again" Drake says

"Fine let's go" Matilda says in defeat

We walk into the forest and look around. It seemed pretty plane and there wasn't really much to it until we notice a light shining ahead. It was small and hardly noticable in the forest.

"What's that??" I ask

"I don't know, let's check it out" Drake says

We walk towards the light and hide behind some bushes when we notice people around the light reading some thing. They were wearing shady cloaks and something about what they were doing just didn't seem right.

"What are they doing??" Matilda asks

"I don't know" Jayden murmurs

"I think we should go back guys" I say

I turn back planning to go back to the open area when I stepped on a plant twig. Snap!!!!! The sound ringing in my ear. I freeze and turn back looking at the others who were beside me. Their eyes almost popping out of their sockets as they look at me. After some seconds, I didn't hear anything. I sigh a breath of relief but it was shortlived.

"Well well well what do we have here??" A deep voice says

Hey guys, yes I left you at a cliffhanger please  don't kill me!! I just really felt like putting one I mean after a while. But I promise you will find out who those mysterious people are. But it might take some time cause I wanna shift my updating schedule to a better time. I promise it will be worth it. Crazy things are gonna happen in the next chapter.

Hope you can tag along till the end, drop a vote and comment. Love ya and stay safe

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