munchies (iwaoi/reader)

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In which you try to have a peaceful Saturday, But Oikawa has other plans

『 In which you try to have a peaceful Saturday, But Oikawa has other plans 』

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» your pov «

You really thought that after a long draining week of school, you'd finally be able to sleep in and enjoy your weekend.

But when you're friends with Tooru Oikawa, and asking for a relaxing day... it's like asking for a million dollars to fall from the sky.

Fluttering your eyes open at the sound of the loud doorbell echoing through the halls of your house, you groan and roll out of bed (literally) falling face first on your carpet floor.


You slowly hop up on your feet and steady yourself, the sound of your doorbell still ringing through your ears, you wonder who could possibly be at your house this early in the damn morning.


Making your way down the stairs of your home, you crack the door open to see who it is. You really couldn't be surprised at this point, there he stood with a flushed face and panting breathes as if he had just run a marathon, Oikawa.

"F/n-chan!" he says excitingly.


You really didn't want to put up with him today, letting out a deep sigh, you turn around and head back up the stairs dragging your feet groggily.

'Damn you Tooru, not today please' you think.

Reaching your bed and drowning yourself in the comfort of the multiple blankets you own, you close your eyes and take a deep breath.


Once you feel yourself doze off, it isn't long until your mother calls down for you, "F/n! Oikawa is here to see you sweetie!"

After hearing that, your eyes nearly bulge out of your head. Before you could even respond, your bedroom door slams open revealing the one and only Great King.

"So mean F/n-chan!" he pouts and leans himself against your door frame.

"Get the hell out of my house." you say bluntly.
"But i made plans today for us and Iwa-chan!" he swings his arms in the air dramatically and makes his way to your bed, taking a seat at the very edge.

You sigh shoving off some of your blankets to sit upright in bed and face him, "The last time you made plans, you got us all arrested."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2020 ⏰

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