chemisty test (tetsurou kuroo)

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kuroo helps you with chemistry studies cause you're failing, that doesn't stop him from being a dork

I'm in love with canon Kuroo so i decided to try my best in writing his canon character in this one shot lol. Anyways, the reader is going to be a bit stuck up... just a heads up lol

 just a heads up lol

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» third person «

Looking anywhere, but the upside down paper on your desk in the noisy classroom after dismissal, you try not to panic knowing that you failed. Even without checking your score on last week's quiz you already know.

Gritting your teeth at the fact that you actually studied but yet had a hard time solving the questions.

It irritated you.

You let out a deep sigh and lift the paper up off your messy desk and without looking at it, you crinkle it up into a ball and toss it in the trash bin not too far from where you're seated.

Now packing up your scattered supplies from the project you were just working on, you notice someone approach the bin in the corner of the room and reach down.. to get your paper..?

Glancing on who it might be you notice it's the smartass of the class (he annoys you to the point where you feel like kicking his seat over and humiliate him) but being the decent human being you are...

You haven't... yet.

Kuroo Tetsurou, the smug grin on his face as he opens up your quiz you just threw tells you exactly what he's going to say, and that is 'really again? It's the third time this month chibi-chan!'

Yeah and that damn nickname, you're not even short! He's just tall and teases you for it. Yet something you can't control.

The hell does he expect you to do? Just grow?! You wish you could smack that smug grin right off his face and-

"Chibi-chan!" He waves you down, now approaching you with his school bag in hand and wrinkled paper in the other.

"What is it this time, Kuroo-san?" You say slightly annoyed.

"Hey relax, I won't bug you this time-" you give him a cold glare. "-I swear!"

Now slinging your bag over your shoulder you give him your full undivided attention, which signals him to keep on talking.

"I've noticed you're having a hard time, and I'm offering my help! I'm actually good at this subject" he looks down at my paper, seemingly trying to hold in his laughter and my pathetic score. "It looks like you need it", and that was the cherry on top, he burst out laughing.

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