"Babe you good? But I think we going need another shower." I say trying to lighten the mood.

"Yeah I'm fine but I know." She says and gets the soap back in her hands and we retake our shower. Then we both get out and do our usual routine. We probably have to hurry because Brittany is going to be here soon. Kylie wrapped a towel around her and walked off. I went to my closet and put on some leather joggers and a white t shirt with my timbs. I check the time it's 11:20. The thing about Brenda is that she's always on time it's not even funny how on time she is.

I go over to my bed and just let myself fall into it. I feel exhausted from earlier in the bathroom but it was worth it. She was so perfect I can't believe we just did that. I liked it though it was worth the wait. After that I have no doubt she's the girl I want to grow old with. I never felt like that bout no one not even Chyna. I hear foot steps and I look up and see Kylie walking in with a black tanktop some ripped jeans and some black timbs. I can tell she's tried to she comes and lays next to me. I feel her starring at me then she kisses my cheek. I cup her face and kiss her lips. Then I hear the door open. Brittany is finally here. I get up and so does Ky we make our way downstairs.

Kylie runs to hug Brittany they hug and start talking like I'm not even there. I chuckle at how girls can be. I clear my throat. "So your my assistant but I don't even exist?" I say playfully.

"Hey boy. Sorry but I missed kylie more then you." She says playfully.

"Well she's my girlfriend so your going to see her a lot." I say winking.

"Yeah we stay in the office working on things like every week. Tyga really needs your help he's horrible with dates and numbers." Kylie says giggling.

"Man shut up I'm good." I say fake offended. "No shut up." Brittany says.

Kylie and Brittany walk away into the living room and start talking I just go and get my phone and call Chyna. I don't need to talk to her I just want to talk to King to see when he coming back over.

"Hey." I hear Chyna say.


"Tyga why are you calling shouldn't you be with your girl, that girl really likes you." She says and she doesn't say it in a bad way she sounds sincere saying it.

"I ain't calling for you man but I know she do. I was calling to ask when King coming back."

"Oh uh in 3 days."

"Okay, but why were you talking to Ky at her birthday?"

"I just wanted to apologize man I'm a grown woman arguing with a girl over a man who doesn't even want me."

"Oh alright that's mature of you Chy I'm proud."

"Uh thanks I think anyways got to go King just woke up."

"Ight bye." I hung up. I know Chyna she done with her little childish outburst. She probably needed Kylie turning 18 to realize that it's real. I know I ain't with her but I still care bout Chy so I'm proud of her for growing up with that.

"Micheal!" I hear Brittany call me from my living room. "What the hell do you want?" I respond.

"That ain't no way to treat your manager." She says with a fake pout as I walk into the living room.

"Then don't yell at me little girl." I say as I sit between Kylie and Brittany but lean on Kylie. "Get off of me your heavy." Kylie fake whines.

"Now your crushing the princess." Brittany fake sighs.

"Won't saying that earlier." I wink.

"Who?" Brittany yells.

"Kylie!" I yell she turns bright red.

Yeah ( kylie Jenner / tyga )Where stories live. Discover now