Chapter 19.

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The fast running chariot they were in had slowed down since its wheels were on something harder and smoother than dirt, it had the regular sound of cobbles. It had also started raining , but this rain smelled foul. It reminded Terrey of rotten eggs. Farenn was sleeping in front of him despite the bounds cutting in his flesh and making his hands purple. He had lost a boot in the fight. Terrey was still confused at how things had happened. Yes, they should not have gotten that far, but with the bookworms all so exited, they had thought at least they could go hunt for some fowls or hare. It had been hare. He remembered distinctly the sound of Farenn's bow and the arrow stopping the race of the animal, a beautiful shot. He gave Farenn a kiss on the lips and rose up getting his skinning knife out when they literally fell on top of them. He remembered stabbing the first one in the eye with the knife and Farenn swinging his bow to slash at them. But they were too numerous. He went down biting and kicking, there was the feeling of bone breaking under his heel and then nothing. He woke to this chariot with Farenn smiling at him. Now he was awake and Farenn sleeping but he jolted up when they stopped. They took them directly down to some cell in a rough cut stone building. One of the Balà came and spoke to then in Limorish. He wanted to know why they had come to the burnt city, what they were searching in the ruins. Someone came to talk to him and they left. They were able to talk a little, Farenn was joking as usual, boasting of the major ass kicking they would get as soon as he got out of his bounds. Terrey felt unfocused. As if some sort of massive drowsiness was taking him over. Farenn's voice fell to the background. There was an insistent murmur; something was telling him not to resist it. He had the feeling he knew that voice, but he kept telling himself that Farenn was right here with him, so how could he be in his head? Finally it hit him like a plunge in deep cold water. Oneg. It was his voice. He was talking inside his head.

"Do not fight this, Terrey. It is me Oneg, do not fight me. I am projecting my mind in yours."

"This feels odd, how do you do this little brother?"

"You can too, you know, if only you tried. How are you? How is Farenn? Is he with you?"

"I guess we are OK. He is right next to me; we are in some big stone building. I don't know where. Are you guys OK?"

"They were on us in seconds; but Baalbek and the Thiriik cut them down, there was blood everywhere. I still feel a little sick thinking back on it. Sar Melek used her swords, she killed five. She cut their heads off."

"Wow! That must have been something."

"Then we went to look for you. We eventually found a hare with and arrow in it and some of your stuff scattered around. There must have been quite a fight, but you were gone."

"They shoved us in one of their wagons and started whipping at their horses like they did not care if they lived or died." Terrey thought, "The building we are in must be in one of the Nameless Towns, there was the sound of cobbled street just before we stopped and many voices."

"How long ago was that?"

"I have no idea, we were knocked out in the wagon and then we have been blind folded and bound. I have been unable to see the sky, or even to guess at how much time has passed since Nag."

"I'll go and ask Baalbek and Limero where the Nameless Towns are which are within a day's ride in a chariot."

"Are you going to come and get us?"

"Of course little brother, they are already planning on storming the Veviensis' island to come and rescue you if they have to, and you know, even if it is me alone there is no way I am leaving you two to that fate."

Our Little Gods 1: RABATEA, the first World of the Daughters.Where stories live. Discover now