Lamar walked away.

Amiyah walked back to the counter. "Just please find who ever is responsible for my friend's murder", Amiyah said.

"I thought you said you knew", he asked.

"It was people who worked with us they may have done it...I don't know", Amiyah said. "I just need yall to figure it out"

"We have CSI trying to figure it out now", he said. "Don't worry. We'll find who did this"

Amiyah looked down. "Okay", Amiyah said.

Amiyah walked away and too her phone out and stopped recording. She got into the car and Dominic looked at her.

"What did they say?", he asked.

"...that they'll try to find who's responsible", Amiyah said. "I didn't tell them"

"Why not?", Dominic asked

"Because if he goes to prison then he'll hurt my dad", Amiyah said.

"And if he stays out of prison than he'll hurt you", Dominic said.

"... Dominic you need to leave Los Angeles", Amiyah said. "I know you just got that job and you're probably liking it but...I don't want you to get hurt"

"I only came back because Bianca told me about Lamar. I needed to be closer just in case", Dominic said. "...but I guess that doesn't even matter because Bianca is dead"

"That isn't your fault", Amiyah said.

"It is...because I was too busy worrying about just you that I didn't realize that she could be put back in danger too", Dominic said.

Amiyah looked down. "It's still not your fault", Amiyah said

"Either way...where ever you go, I'm going", Dominic said. "I can let you go out there alone"

Amiyah looked at him and then hugged him.

Dominic hugged back

Amiyah pulled away. 

"And then your pregnant so you definitely don't need to be alone", Dominic said.

"...fine", Amiyah said. "I just need to go by my house and get some things, you should see if you can get a ticket. I may be too late"

"Then I'll just get the next one that's available", Dominic said.

"You know you don't have to do this", Amiyah said.

"Amiyah hush. You already know my answer to that", Dominic said as he started the car and drove off.

So while Amiyah was at her house, Dominic found out that he'd have to wait until the morning to get to where Amiyah was going. So after leaving her house, he dropped her off at the airport.

"Please be careful", Amiyah said.

"I will", Dominic replied.

Amiyah hugged him tight.

"You're going to miss your flight", Dominic said as he hugged her.

"I feel like I should because I don't wanna leave you behind", Amiyah said as she sniffed.

"I'll be fine", Dominic replied.

"You keep saying that but you don't know him", Amiyah said. "It's like...he does stuff that you wouldn't even predict"

"Amiyah. Stop worrying about me. I'm good", Dominic said with a chuckle. He didn't want her to worry about him.

Amiyah sighed.

"Just go", Dominic said. "I'll see you when I get there"

"Okay", Amiyah replied. "Bye"

"Bye", Dominic said.

Amiyah got her things and walked into the airport and Dominic got into the car and drove off.


That night Dominic got himself a hotel. It wasn't that he was scared, it was just that he didn't wanna risk breaking his promise to meet Amiyah. He didn't want her to be alone.

He got into the bed but he couldn't really sleep. He was too busy thinking about how he didn't protect Bianca and if he couldn't think to do that, how was he going to protect Amiyah. So many things were running in his head that he couldn't sleep at all really that night. He did go to sleep but for only like 30 minutes. During those 30 minutes, he just saw himself not being able to protect Amiyah.

When the morning came, he got on the plane and was on his way to Amiyah.


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