I'm Back

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Rebecca POV

"Go over there she misses you. Ya know ever since you left she slept in your room everyday." Hope says she must have noticed I was staring.

"Maybe I should just stay with Alycia." I say as I turn around to Alycia and Erick.

"No Becca go we are fine here. Go." Erick says to me I nod and turn around and I walk over to Josie. She has her back turned towards me I walk up beside her and she turned to look at me we lock eyes and my eyes glow yellow.

"Congratulations on graduating." I say as she still hasn't said anything to me Lizzie and Dr. Saltzman walk away to give us some space.

"Sorry for leaving for so long it's just I didn't really have a choice of when I left I'm really sorry." I say I could feel my eyes are still yellow and she still hasn't said anything.

"Josie are you okay? Do you want me to leave?" I ask because she still hasn't said anything.

"Yeah I'm okay and no please don't leave sorry it's just I'm really surprised you are here I never thought I would see you again." She finally says.

"Yeah to be honest I never expected to come back. Sorry I didn't say anything." I say as I look to the ground.

"Its okay umm so there is this final party thing at the old mill tonight do you wanna come? I'm pretty sure Hope is going and you can invite your friends." She says and it surprises me.

"Yeah of course I would love to go and I will ask them. I should probably get back to my family but I will see you tonight." I say

"Yes you will it starts at 9 by the way so don't be late." she says with a smile.

"I will be there" I say then I walk back to Hope and the others.

"So what happened?" Hope asks

"Nothing really I just said hi and she invited me and my friends to the party." I say as Hope smiles

"Good." Hope says.

"One sec." I say as I walk over to Erick, Taylor, Robert, and Keenen Erick was still holding Alycia.

"She looks a lot like you." Robert says.

"I know that just means she looks good imagine if she looked like Erick." I said as all the boys laugh except for Erick even Alycia laughs.

"Anyway we got invited to a party tonight at 9." I say as the boys faces light up.

"Yes thank god a party." Taylor says

"What are we going to wear because we cant wear short sleeves or shorts and its summer we are going to die" Robert says He is not wrong we have gotten a lot of scars from the past 2 years that are very noticeable luckily we are all wearing sweatshirts and pants right now but we are dying in this heat.

"We will find something. Wanna leave Alycia with my family while we go shopping and look for a place to stay?" I ask they nod we give Alycia to hope and go shopping.

Becca's Outfit

Becca's Outfit

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