Home Again.

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Rebecca POV

"We should have done the right thing 2 years ago." I said to Erick as I put James heart in his hand. I get up and walk past everyone I could feel all there eyes on me. I go to my room and I start packing I am going back I cant let all those other kids suffer.

"Where do you think your going." Hope says as she comes in my room.

"I'm going home and you can't stop me." I say still packing my backpack

"No you not I wont let you go alone." She says

"I wont Erick, Taylor, Keenen and Robert will be with me." I tell her

"How do I know I can trust them." She says

"Erick is Alycia's dad he wont let me die also I have know them since I was born they are like my brothers I trust them with my life. You have to let me go." I say as I walk in front of her because she is blocking the door. She stars into my eyes for a good minute.

"If you are not back in 2 weeks I am coming for you." Hope says as she gives me a hug and moves aside and I see Josie behind her she looks sad.

"Becca you ready?" Erick says and he walks down the hall.

"Give me 5 minutes. Take my bag and pack the car and get everything ready." I give him my bag and I watch him and the other boys walk down the hall. Hope leave and it's just me and Josie in the hallway.

"Do you want to come in my room and talk." I ask her she nods and we walk in my room and I close the door.

"How long are you really going to be gone for?" Josie asks

"To be honest I don't know." I say and she is looking at the ground.

"So you and Erick." She says is she jealous?

"Oh umm yeah that's a long story my kid is living with my aunt right now." I say I get nervous. She seems sad I walk up to her and grab her hand.

"Why have you been avoiding me?" I ask her she pulls her hand away and it kind of hurt my feelings.

"I'm sorry it's just Landon a part of me still likes him but a part of me likes you too." She says and my chest was screaming in pain.

"Oh right." I say as I step back.

"I'm sorry I just need some time." She says

"Yeah yeah of course." I say as a swallow hard I hear a knock on the door and Erick comes in.

"Hey Bec's are you ready?" He asks as he looks at me then Josie.

"Yeah." I say as I start to turn around then Josie grabs my hand and pulls me into a kiss as she wraps her arms around my neck as I kiss her back.

"Umm what was that for?" I ask as I pull away.

"I just wanted to kiss you." She says as she smiles at me

"I should be back in 2 weeks." I say

"Okay you better be." She says as I leave the room

"So who is the brunette?" Erick asks as we get in the car. Erick is driving I am in the passenger seat and Robert, Taylor and Keenan are in the back

"Wait what Becca has a girlfriend?" Robert asks

"Not really we aren't officially dating but I imprinted on her." I say

"You imprinted well Erick you don't have a chance anymore." Keenan says as the 3 boys laugh in the back.

"Does she know about Alycia?" Erick asks me

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