I'm Sorry

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Rebecca POV

We get back to the school it was late. I walk into the woods alone I bring Megan's and Patrick's body with me I grab a shovel and start digging I burry both of them and stand there for 10 min looking at there graves. I had to walk back so walk up to my family alone. I know I couldn't keep Alycia with me because it wouldn't be safe for her so my aunt Rebekah says she could take and look after her until we dealt with he witch problem. My aunt Freya and Uncle Kol leave for there hotels after me and Hope hug them goodbye. I hand Alycia to Rebekah to stay with her for the night because she cant be in the school she will probably wake everyone up at night. I watch them leave it hurts to see them leave but I know I will see them tomorrow. Hope and I walk back to our rooms she gives me a hug before going into her room. I walk in to my room go into the bathroom and splash cold water on my face. I hear a knock on my door I have no idea who would be up this late. I open the door to see Josie she must have known I was gone I move aside to let her in.

"Hey are you okay?" She askes I am looking at the ground all I could think about was Megan and Patrick's bodies on the ground.

"yeah I'm fine." I swallow hard fighting back the tears. Josie slowly walks up to me and wraps her arms around my neck and pulled me into a hug I dug my face into the crook of her neck wrap her arms around her waist and pull her in and just started crying.

"I'm so sorry." she whispers to me in a warm calming voice. Her dad must have told her about my friends. We stand there for about 3 more minutes. I pull away and look at her in her eyes.

"Becca your eyes are glowing yellow." not this shit again I close my eyes and take a deep breath and open them again. 

"Sorry it has just been a long day." I move over to my bed we both sit down I start fiddling with my fingers. I cant figure out why my wolf as been acting up around Josie.

"Can I ask why have you been avoiding me for the last week?" I knew she was gonna mention it.

"Well my wolf side has been acting up a lot around you ever since I found you in the woods that night. So I just stayed away." I look her in the eyes when I say it.

"I can see why. Your eyes are glowing again." it hasn't even been 5 minutes jeez. I close my eyes breath and open my eyes again.

"Sorry, Hey its getting late you can stay here if you want or you can go back to her room." I looked at the clock it was close to 1 AM.

"You wouldn't mind if I stayed?" She says I could tell she was getting a little nervous.

"of course not." She smiles at me. I turn off the lights. We lay in bed for little then I feel Josie's head cuddled into my shoulder I move my arm so she can move closer and I wrap my arm around her and she lays her head on my chest. I could hear here breathing slow down I wait 5 minutes I'm pretty sure she is asleep. I could feel my fangs pop out. Wow this is getting bad I'm going to have to ask my aunt Freya about it tomorrow. I take a deep breath I feel my fang go back into my gums. I kiss Josies head and soon after I fall asleep.

Josie POV
I wake up to the sun beaming in my eyes. I could feel Becca's arm around me . I look up at her I can't help but notice how cute she looks when she is sleeping.
"Take a picture it will last longer." My face turns red as she opens her eyes and looks down at me.
"Sorry I didn't mean to stare." I say as I get up off her chest.
"Your cute when you blush." Did she just say I was cute out loud. I could feel her pull me back into her chest. I mean I wasn't complaining. I look at her in the eyes then her eyes glow yellow again.
"Becca your eyes are yellow again." She closes her eyes and take as deep breath she opens them again and I see those pretty blue eyes.
"I'm gonna ask my aunt Freya why wolf side is acting weird around you today. Because it is kind of worrying me." I don't see the issue in asking I could feel her get up so I get off her chest she gets up out of her bed and walks to the bathroom. I don't know why I'm still staring at her.
" I'm gonna head back to my room to check on Lizzie I didn't tell her I was spending the night here." I say as I get up front he bed.
"Okay I will come by your room one I know what my aunt freya says."
"Okay see you later thanks for letting me spend the night." I'm glad me and her are getting closer.
"Of course you can come over any time." I blush a little then leave .

Rebecca POV
Once Josie leaves I get ready. I put on some black ripped jeans and a grey t-shirt with my grey vans and walk out. I knock on Hopes door it takes a few seconds then she answer.
"Hey Becca what's up." I could see a boy on her bed.
"Who is that." I remember he was the curly hair boy outside when I ran yesterday.
"Oh this is Landon my boyfriend. He came back when you left the other day and we'll he is a Phoenix." Wow I'm surprised. That's explains why he is alive though.
"Oh well Hi I'm Rebecca Hopes sister." I reach my hand out he shakes it.
"Hey Hope I was wondering when the family will be here I need to ask them about something." I hope they come soon.
"They should be here in like 10 minutes." She says thank god it's soon.
"Okay cool." I end up having some small talk with Hope and Landon for 10 minutes he seems like a nice guy. Hope and I walk out to greet our family I run over to my Aunt Rebekah I give her a hug then I kiss Alycia on the forehead.
" How was she?" I hope she wasn't to bad.
"She was an angle." My Aunt says. I hug my uncle the my aunt we all say hello we walk in to Dr, Saltzmans office because I told them I have something I need to talk to them about. I tell them about the night in the woods and how my wolf started acting weird around Josie. My aunts and uncle look at each other.
"What is it?" I ask
"Well have you ever heard of imprinting." My aunt freya asks.
"You mean that thing in twilight." Hope says with a chuckle.
"No it's something way different. It's also very rare when you found Josie the night in the woods you didn't know it but you imprinted on her and that mean the only was to stop your wolf side from acting up is if you bite her." What the hell I think.
"Wait I'm supposed to bite her?" Great start to my day.
"Yes then that makes her yours." What the hell.
"There is no way she is biting my daughter." Dr. Saltzman says.
"There is no other choice Alaric. If she doesn't her wolf side will only want it more." Now this is getting weird.
"I'm not gonna bite her." I say I don't wanna hurt her.
"Sweetheart you don't really have a choice." My aunt Rebekah says we spend 3 min arguing what we are supposed to do. I'm just gonna play it out and tell Josie about it tonight. Today I spend time with my family. I told my family about the witch's that had me and other things about me we mostly spend the day talking and having fun it was one of the best days I have had in a long time it was time for them to go for good this time though. Hope and I hug them goodbye I kiss Alycia on my forehead I have no idea when I am going to see her next . We watch them leave and now it is time for the hard part I'm spouses to tell Josie that I imprinted on her and I bet that is going to go great. I walk in my room it's only 8:00 PM I text Josie and ask her to stop by about 5 minutes later I hear a knock on the door I open it and let her in.
"So what did your aunt Freya say?" She asks
"You may wanna sit down." She comes and sits net to me on the bed.
"So she said the night in the woods when I found you I imprinted on you and that's why my wolf side has been acting weird around you. Also the only way to stop it is if I bite you and make you mine." I say I wait for her to get mad or sad or something.
"Oh can I be honest." She says well fuck I'm screwed.
"Yeah please be honest." I say I'm hoping she doesn't kill me.
" I have a crush on you so I'm not mad about this I'm kinda happy about it." Did she just say she has a crush on me I could feel my eyes glow when I looked her in the eyes.
"Becca your e-." I cut her off I leaned in and kissed her she kissed me back I put my hand on her neck. She moves so she is sitting on my lap with her arms around my neck. I move my arms so I am holding her around her waist I pull her in more. Starts messing with my hair I stop kissing her and start kissing her neck. I could feel my fangs pop out and I stop I'm not gonna bite her.
"I'm sorry did I do something wrong." Josie asks she looks nervous and worried.
"No you didn't nothing wrong it's just my fangs popped out so I stoped." She looked relived.
"Can you stay tonight?" I ask her
"Of course I can. What do you wanna do?" I mean I could think of a few things wow I really need to get my head out of the gutter.
"We can watch a movie if you want?" I hope that not to boring.
"Sure what do you want to watch?" I grab my laptop and crawls into bed with me and I'm looking through Netflix.
"Umm I don't know whatever looks good?" We start watching zodiac then we watched a few more movies I realized Josie was asleep on my chest so I turned off my laptop and kissed her on the forehead as I fell asleep.

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