Let them go

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Rebecca POV

We get a call from Dr. Saltzman in the morning to get to school. Hope and I walk in to his office.

"We have a problem." He says to us and Hope and I look at each other.

"What happened?" I ask him

"There is a new monster on the Salvatore school campus. Also I don't know how to get on the campus. Any ideas?" He asks us

"Just one but I'm pretty sure both of you aren't gonna like it. There is the football game is today we can get on there campus that way." she says I have to agree its not a bad idea

"Okay well you two get ready for the game." He says as we walked out of the room we get ready for the game. Hope and I sit across from Dr. Saltzman we don't talk the whole ride.

"This is where the fun begins." I say as we pull up to the football field. We exit the bus and Josie and I make eye contact as well as Hope and Landon.

"Lets just get this over with so we can leave." Hope says as we walk to our side of the feild.

"Rick." Dorian says Dr. Saltzman turns around and Hope and I keep walking. We set our stuff down on the bench and Hope and Maya go up to the coin toss then end up losing the toss as Hope runs over to me.

"They are using magic." She whispers to me

"Why I thought they weren't supposed to." I say as Dr. Saltzman walks up to us.

"Dorian found the missing kid but we have another monster on our hands. Its running around in the woods he thinks it called a Shunka its a creature that feeds only on werewolves." He says

"Good thing its not a full moon." Hope says

"Yeah, except Raf has been stuck in wolf form ever since you left." He says

"Wait I didn't even know he turned." Hope says as she rubs her head.

"He did fighting triad and he hasn't been able to turn back since." Dr. Saltzman says

"Yeah of course I am the only one that can turn him back." Hope says

"Okay then lets go look for him before the shunka finds him first. Dr. Saltzman you keep an eye on the new headmaster Hope and I will try to ditch this game and find raf." I say we all nod in agreement. Hope and I walk on to the field she helps Maya up the team huddles and Hope tells everyone to go long the ball snaps and I take off running Kaleb was on me and he was fast but I mange to juke him out as hope throws me the ball right before Landon tackles her I catch it and make a touchdown. I have to admit it felt good, Landon got off of hope I run over to her.

"Hey you okay." I saw to her giving her my hand.

"No I think I twisted my ankle." She says

"Let me Help you get to the nurse then." I say I help her get off the field Dr. Saltzman gives us a bag and we head to the school.

"Nice thinking with the fake sprained ankle." I tell her with a smile as we walk into the school

"Thanks." She says as we walk into Landon and Raf's room I grab some of Raf's cloths and put them in the bag as Hope gets ready for the locator spell. She cuts her finger and drops the blood on the paper.

"What are you two doing in my room." Landon says and I turn around.

"I know this looks bad." Hope says.

"It looks like magic." Landon say I walk over and block the doorway so we can't get out

"Who are you two?" He asks

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