Moon Light

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Hope POV

After I hung up the phone with Freya I could hear someone talking down the hall and opened the door next to mine I remember what Freya said about getting to know her and I did want to know her I get up out of my bed and walk out to see if she wanted to talk or not I was about to knock on the door when I hear she was talking to someone on the phone "tell me if anything else happens." that's all I heard and she hung up I thought that was weird. who was she talking to anyway. I knock on the door a few seconds later she answers 

"Hope hey what's up?" she moves aside to let me in.

"Nothing much." I say as I walk into her room she hasn't done anything with it all i see that is hers is a bag on the ground

"I see you haven't really done anything with your room." I feel bad about it

"yeah I don't have that much stuff, Have you activated your wolf curse yet?"

"yeah I did about a year ago. when did u active yours?"

"5 years ago." she activated it when she was 11 I'm surprised.

"wow that's really young. You don't have to tell me about if you don't want to." I wanted her to tell me but I also didn't want to push her.

"when I was 11 the witches that were raising me they were gonna kill my friend unless I killed this other witch that they wanted dead so I killed the witch."

"I'm sorry." I felt bad and angry I don't know what these witches did to her but our family wont be happy.

"Aunt Freya said that her and Aunt Becs and Uncle Kol should be coming over soon to meet you if that's okay with you." she looked nervous when I mentioned the rest of the family.

"Yeah that sounds good." A few hours past and were talking and getting to know each other it was nice to talk to someone I told her about mom and dad because she never was able to meet them and they didn't even know she existed. 

Rebecca POV

I'm laying on my bed when I get a phone call from one of my old friend Megan who is also watching over my new born daughter Alycia Hope Mikaelson I gave birth to her a week before Caroline picked me up I was really young to have a kid but I want to keep her as hidden as I can especially from the witches that had me. Megan and one of my other friends Patrick are watching over her. I answer the phone a little worried

"Hey Megan is there something wrong?"  My voice cracks

"No nothing is wrong sorry for making you worried Becca." I sigh with relief 

"its okay, so why are u calling?"

"just wanted to check in and give you an update. Most of the time Alycia is an angle but its like she flips a switch and she get really mad." I laugh

"that would be from me." I'm still chuckling a little

"I figured , anyway she has used her magic already."

"are you sure she is very young."

"yes I am sure"

"okay well tell me if anything happens."

"will do I'm also gonna send you some pictures of her." with that I hang up I hear a knock on my door I open it and its hope I'm surprised I invite her in and we start talking about our family and the werewolf curse  a few hours past and it was lunch time.

"are you hungry?" I ask I figured she hasn't eaten or stepped foot in the cafeteria.

"yeah I haven't eaten in a while." she gets up and walk to the door I look at my phone and see pictures of my daughter she look a lot like me its scary.

"you coming?" she asked I didn't realize I was look at the photos for that long

"yeah sorry." I get up and we walk out together we are having small talk on our way to the cafeteria when we walk in everyone look at us. Lizzie and Josie looked shocked and the other kids look confused we ignore it. We get our food and sit down alone and start talking about when our aunts and uncle are gonna get here. we could feel everyone's eyes on us it was making me uneasy

"so do you have your eye on anyone?" hope askes I kind of get nervous 

"No, why would I?" I say looking down at my food 

"sure whatever you say" she says with a chuckle as she eats

"who do you think I like then?"

"I don't know I have my ideas." she chuckles

"Great." I say with sarcasm  

"Hey after this wanna go for a run in our wolfs forms in the woods its a good stress reliver for me." I'm surprised she asked me to run

"I would love to" I smile. we put our plates away and go to Dr.Saltzmans office me and Hope both go in and ask if we could run he said okay but we have to be carful we grab some cloths put them under a bush we look at each other our eyes turn yellow at the same time and you could hear our bones cracking I change quicker than she does only by a second though. I notice her coat is little lighter than mine but not by much. we look at each other then take off running side by side.

Josie POV

I see Rebecca walk in with Hope and it surprises me I didn't expect them to be friends this fast Hope never warms up to anyone they are sitting together and laughing and for some reason I feel jealous but I have no idea why I just try to ignore it and I start talking to lizzie because there was supposed to be a party tonight.

"Hey lizzie when is the part tonight?"

"9 are you gonna come this time?" I might as well right.

"yeah I will want me to help you get ready?"

"yeah" a few hour past and we are getting ready for the party I'm helping Lizzie hair and the finishing touches and then we head off to the party we head to the old mill MG walks over to us and brings us to get some drink after a few drink me and lizzie start dancing with MG could tell i was getting little hazy my ex Penelope walks up to me.

"wanna dance jo?" she says as she grabs my arm we were both a little tipsy 

"No can you let go now." she didn't let go 

"no jo come on." she says trying to pull me I manage to get away and I run into the wood I was running for about 5 min and I don't know where I am I lean up ageist a tree and start crying when I hear a stick crack in front of me.

"who is there!?" I say with a raspy voice I see a dark grey wolf walk out in front of me there eyes are yellow but its not a full moon. I'm scared its gonna attack me but it walks up and licks my hand I kneel down and pet it there fur is so soft I end up cuddling up to the wolf and falling asleep.

Rebecca POV

Hope and I have been running for a long time I stop because I hear crying in the distance. I could tell Hope doesn't hear it she stops and turns around she tilts her head asking what is it. I pick up a sent of Flowers that lead me to the crying and Hope was right behind me I notice Josie was crying. I motion Hope to go back to school and she listens. Josie askes who is there and I walk out so she could see me I could tell she was scared and she was a little drunk and cold there must have been a party or something. I licked her hand she she scratched my head she cuddled up into me and I could hear here breathing slow down she fell asleep. Soon after I fell asleep as well. I woke up to the sun in my face we must have been out here all night. I hear people calling Josie's name in the distance she is still asleep I figured they will find us soon enough I was still in my wolf form.

"oh shit." Alaric says when he say me and pointed his cross bow at me 

"ARE YOU CRAZY THATS REBECCA"  Hope yells and gets in front of the crossbow Josie wakes up and nuzzles in to me more then she realized I was wolf. Alaric lowers his bow and Hope moved next to him.

"woah" she says and backs up then she remembers what happened last night

"Thank you." she says to me it surprised Alaric and Lizzie I nod and walk back to the bush with my cloths and Hope follows.

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