Slowly, I managed to open them.

My room was dark and my head felt like a million bricks had been dropped on it. When I tried to sit up, a sharp pain shot through my back. Again, I groaned.

"Don't sit. Lie back," I heard a girl's voice beside me and then I turned to the side as she lit a candle on the small table next to me. Afterwards, she supported me to lie back down. Her deeply set hazel eyes shone brightly and she went to the wall on the opposite end of the room and lit three more candles attached to the wall. This brought the room to life with candlelight. I felt beads of sweat crowd my forehead.

"I'm Tinley," she introduced with a smile, taking a bowl with her from the bigger table on the opposite end of the room in her hands. She wore a large full blue skirt and an equally larger white blouse that cuffed itself at her wrists and was tucked into the full blue skirt. Her long black hair was held in a single braid that stopped right above her ass and her brown skin radiated through the candlelight, glowing endlessly.

She sat down on the chair next to me and took the towel out of the bowl that contained water. She used it to wipe my face, forehead and chest, gently massaging it into my skin as she wiped.

"This water contains healing essence from the old ginseng root. It will help you feel better," She stated as she kept massaging it into my skin using the towel. I felt myself begin to relax as the water left a cool sensation over my aching skin. "It also has some oils that will help to heal your wounds faster. Poor thing. I pray the moon punishes the wolf who beat you so badly,"

I looked at her, contemplating what to say. Nessa told me that the plan was to make me look helpless so this pack would take me in and I could achieve my goal faster. I guess I just didn't know the means by which she planned this until now.

Anyway, what do I expect really? It's Nessa after all.

"Who are you?" I ask, realising that that's the most logical thing to ask. "And where am I?" I ask a second question, trying to get up this time.

Tinley attempts to stop me by trying to hold me down. "Calm down and don't move. Your bruises need to heal and you're obviously in a lot of pain so please, just lie back,"

I listen to her and lie back and she smiles. She's younger than me but not by a lot. I would say that she's at least three years younger so probably twenty or maybe nineteen. She continues massaging the herbal water into my skin, going down my arms now and I realise that I am in a dress? I was in pyjamas before I passed out so how did I end up in this dress? It's probably from Nessa because I doubt this pack would have a dress so short and that too with short sleeves.

"My name is Tinley and you are in my home. Well, technically, my cousin's home but I grew up here so it's mine too," Tinley answers, reaching for my other hand in the process.

"Your home?" I question. "Where?"

"Oh sorry. You are in the Blue Moon pack," She says with a smile and I try my best not to react. "You were found lying in the cornfields all bruised up earlier in the day by the farmers. You woke up but fainted again so the men carried you here and my cousin brought you up to this room and asked me and my friends to look after you but it is late now so everyone is asleep,"

I shake my head, a bit confused but wanting to give the illusion of being even more confused than I actually am.

"But who are-" before she could complete the question, I interrupt.

"Who am I?" I ask, staring straight into her eyes as my lips part. "And what was I doing in a cornfield?"

She takes the cloth away, dips it back into the bowl and places the bowl on the side table.

Raven's DarkNess | ✔Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon