Chapter 52:giving in

Start from the beginning

So I throw those feelings to the back of my head and merely focus on the goal and on making sure Sasuke gets his vengeance.

After this is all over, I truly believe that Sasuke and I will finally get our happy ending. He won't have to seek anyone else out, and neither will I.

It will just be me and him. And for right now I'm patient enough to wait for that day, because it'll be worth it in the end.


"Perfect!" I beamed, admiring the new clothes that I had chosen from a tiny shop located in a small unpopulated town, just an hour walk from our hideout.

I turned to face Sasuke, holding the clothes up to show him, "You like?"

His normal stoic expression subtly relaxed as his onyx orbs scanned the outfit. "Sure. Now go try them on."

My lips slyly smirked, knowing that he was secretly meaning for me to steal them. I did as told, throwing on the new clothes before hiding them with my old ones and my cloak.

After I left the changing area I trailed behind Sasuke as we both left the shop. Before I was about to step outside, my eye caught a package of bandages.

Making sure the workers weren't looking, I quickly snatched the bandages as the corner of my mouth tugged into a smile.

Sasuke glared at me with his eyebrows furrowed. "Really?"

A chuckle emerged from me, "I couldn't help it!"

I shimmied off the cloak, and the rest of my old clothes followed after revealing myself in my new fresh clothes.

I glanced down, content at the outfit of choice. It consisted of a strapless dark blue crop top, a matching short skirt with a slit down the middle, and black tight shorts underneath.

Using the stolen bandages, I wrapped them around my right upper thigh, and then around my slim waist securely.

I looked at Sasuke who was already watching me with a straight face. "Do you have any elastics in your bag?"

Sasuke huffed but took off his bag, rummaging through it before handing me multiple clear elastics. He zipped it shut and put it back on.


I've stopped wearing braids, and I was quick to notice how annoying my long hair is when I'm in battle. Loose strands always stick to my face or fly back in the wind.

"Can you hold out your hand?" I queried.

Sasuke seemed bothered, but nonetheless he obliged and opened his palm. I placed all the elastics on his hand except for one.

I parted my bangs separately from the rest of my hair, and I split my long bangs in half before putting them into high pigtails.

As long as my bangs are secured and away from my face, then I don't care about the rest. So, I decided to leave the back down instead of braiding it.

"That took you forever," Sasuke monotonously pointed out. "Let's go get the food now."

I scoffed at him playfully, "Oh, I'm sorry that I didn't want to be in battered down and torn clothes."

Sasuke stayed quiet as we walked along the deserted streets of this run down town. It was actually peaceful and not loud at all, which sent me into a deep thought.

We need to get to Kabuto, and I believe that I have a plan. If I manage to get captured again, perhaps he will be there this time.

If he isn't, Sasuke and the rest of Taka can just come rescue me. I mean, it's worth a shot since we have back to back failed every attempt.

I just wonder if Sasuke will approve of this plan or not. He seems to be.. protective? Or perhaps he doesn't want to loose my ice powers. Either way, it's still a valid reason.

I'm nervous to speak up, but it can't be helped. He needs to hear this so that he knows there's another way we could potentially find Kabuto.

"Hey," Sasuke glanced at me from over his shoulder. "Hear me out.. okay?"

He halted and spun around. "You've got a plan?"

Wow, he's perceptive.

"Yes," I chewed the inside of my cheek as nerves welted up in the pit of my stomach. "Let me be captured again. You and Taka closely trail behind us, so that you can see where their hideout is." I paused for a moment, to see if he had any objections. When he didn't speak up, I continued.

"If Kabuto isn't there, we all break me out. And think of something else. It's worth a try, isn't it?"

Sasuke looked at me with a unreadable expression which only made my nerves build up more. His eyes bore into mine, until he finally parted his mouth to reply.

"You're willing to potentially be tortured again?"

I nodded, "I've done it before. Willingly being captured and tortured, just for some information. What's a little more?"

Sasuke face softened. "I guess you're right. This could be a way to find Kabuto."

Relief washed over me. "Okay!"

"I still don't like it," He admitted. "And if Kabuto isn't there, I'm going to single handedly kill every follower of his that are located there."

Sasuke's subtle worry for my well being caused my chest to become warm and a pink tint covered my cheeks.

"Can we do it in a couple days at least?" He asked.

I smiled at him, "Sure."


Yea sorry this chapter sucks I'm so sorry it's just a filler and it's a little rushed.

Next chapter is long so hopefully that makes up for it:(

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