Chapter 51:you and I

Start from the beginning

Suigetsu's eyes widened, his pupils dilating with shock. "You believe you can muster that on your own? Are you insane?" He screamed, loud enough to alarm the remaining group members.

I paused for a moment, a sly smirk dancing on my pink lips. "Yes."

As annoyingly expected, Sasuke appeared seconds later with a bothered expression glued to his face with his mouth curved into a frown.

He seemed to notice my attire and backpack right away, because his eyes widened for a mere moment before returning back to normal.

"Just where do you think you're going?"

I huffed, "I'm leaving god damn it!"

Suigetsu silently ran out of the room to avoid further confrontation.

Sasuke stalked forward, backing me into a wall as he placed his hands on either side of my head, caging me in. He now had on a threatening face, but it didn't scare me in the slightest.

My golden eyes intertwined with midnight. But, mine were throwing daggers at his, where his were more suitably soft.

"The leaf?"

I chuckled at his incredibly stupid question. "No. I'm going to find the leader who's name is Kabuto. And I'm going to eliminate the rest of his followers."

This time Sasuke chuckled which irked me. "You're with Taka. We can help you. Don't act out rationally because you saw Maiko's decapitated head."

Hearing those words roll off his tongue no easily flashed me back to the very moment my eyes laid on my big sisters lifeless head that was dangling from that man's hand.

I started to feel sick as that haunting memory played throughout my mind.

A jolt of anger filled adrenaline rushed through my veins, causing me to aggressively shove Sasuke backwards.

"Why would you say that?! Don't forget that you ran away once to gain power to murder your own brother who turned out to be innocent! At least I didn't kill Maiko!" I boomed.

Sasuke's jaw clenched as venom laced within his onyx orbs. He dashed over to me and in a instant his hand was tightly grasped around my throat, my body being pushed against the wall.

His grip only tightened, which caused me to wheeze as the oxygen from my lungs was slowly being sucked out of me.

Sasuke glanced down at his hand, and seconds later he released me from his grasp. I fell onto my knees as I breathed heavily, trying to refill air into my lungs and my red throat.

"The men that killed her were after you." Sasuke reminded.

He didn't have to tell me things I already knew. But, I know exactly the reason why he's shoving these facts in my face; because he is feeling the same exact way I do inside. Guilty. Angry. Empty. Those are key factors to why he and I are both spouting out horrible things to each other.

I calmed myself down as I finally started to breath again, "I know. That's why I have to kill them all."

Sasuke sighed and held out his hand. I grabbed it and let him help me stand up.

Guilt pinged my chest as the words I vomited out to him washed over me. My teeth harshly chewed at my bottom lip as I opened my mouth to speak.

"I'm sorry." I quietly muttered.

I felt Sasuke's fingers trail up my jaw line before the rest of his hand grabbed my face. I couldn't help but to look him directly in his beautiful dark eyes.

"I know," He reassured, which made me feel relieved. "I.. um.."

Knowing he was at least trying to apologize, I let his actions slide. Sasuke has never been good at communicating properly.

"I know." I whispered, but just loud enough so that he could hear me.


My eyes cracked open as my body stirred back and forth, the darkness of the room enclosing on me. Confusion took over, as the last thing I remember was fighting and then making up with Sasuke.

I shifted my body to the right, and I felt myself bump into something. A low groan startled me at first, but the moment I heard his snarky remark I knew who it was.

"How and when did we fall asleep?" I asked while yawning.

I felt Sasuke move his position, and then a click turned on a dim light. He was sitting next to me with his legs crossed and his ravenette hair was a mess as loose strands were sticking up every which way.

I mentally giggled. I reached my hand to his hair and I ruffled it a bit, restyling so that it didn't look as messy as when he woke up.

Sasuke glared at me, but didn't put up a fight. "I guess you were exhausted because you collapsed into my arms. It's been maybe five hours."

I wasn't shocked upon hearing that, because I was indeed stressed and my body was sore and tired from everything that's been happening.

I hummed in response.

Sasuke sighed while itching the back of his neck, as his eyes reached mine. "Stay with Taka."

This came off as more as a demand than a suggestion, but since I've been refreshed with a good rest, I'm not as violent and angry as before with Suigetsu. And god knows about my stupid soft spot for the stupid Uchiha. How could I say no to him? He has my best interest at heart, and he wants to help me kill Kabuto and his men.

"Okay, fine." I agreed, and I swear I saw Sasuke's lips twitch with a threatening smile.

Then, a burning question popped into my mind. "Sasuke, do you know who Kabuto is?"

Sasuke nodded, which stunned me. But, I observed how he was going to explain so I swallowed my various questions.

"He was Orochimaru's lapdog. He did everything for him to impress him. When that ninja said it was Kabuto who was the leader.. I couldn't believe it. But, yeah, I know him."

I became even more shocked then before. Kabuto worked under Orochimaru, the creepy longed tongue snake guy! I shuddered just remembering the day he gave Sasuke that curse mark.

"Do you think Orochimaru ordered him too?" I queried.

Sasuke shook his head, "I didn't just leave Orochimaru, I killed him."

I breathed out with relief. "Is Kabuto strong?"

"Taka can easily beat him. And we can take on all of his followers." Sasuke confidently stated.

"I agree. So, when do you think is the best time to do that?"

"Let's lay low for about a week," Sasuke commanded, and I had no choice but to oblige. Maybe a break will help me anyway.

I nodded before lying back down. My eyes drifted to Sasuke, who looked incredibly handsome. Butterflies fluttered every which way inside of my stomach as heat enveloped my flesh.

"When they're all taken care of, it should just be you and I, Sasuke," I muttered, not daring to look him in the eyes.

He stayed silent for what seemed like hours,

"You and I, huh?"



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