My face appearing as nonchalant and bored as ever
"Okay mama, I love you"

"I love you too hunny, go freshen up, your breathe stinks"
She yells slamming the door.

Chuckling, mentally reminding myself to check on BRI, I drain the remnant of the coffee which had gone cold, gently rinsing the cup, I place it back on the rack.
Padding gently to my room shutting the door once more.
My ringtone welcomes me as soon I step feet inside my little paradise.
Sighting my purse, after seconds if searching, I finally turn everything out on the bed............
Checking the caller ID I freeze.Immediately I recognize the caller ID....My fingers are numb right now.
Okay I'm having a mini panic attack, my hands are sweating.
It starts ringing again bringing me out of my shock.


Sitting in the dark, waiting for my son to come back from the reception, I just called him, and he said he was coming.
I really need to talk to him as a father, I might not have been the best but I'm trying.
The death of my wife and his mother hasn't been easy on any of us, but we have lived for the past one year like strangers.
After her death, nights I would come out to get water for myself that wouldn't budge to sleep, I'd hear his sobs, then things crashing.
I knew he had. started throwing things about, I wanted to help him take the pain away, I just couldn't.
I was drowning myself, how would I help someone???
Everything changed, so fast, that I realized I made everything worse.
I ran away from the only family I had left, I ran away from my son.
I should have helped him get through this phase.
I should have been there, then we will help each other.

I started looking for ways to shut him out unintentionally.
Honestly, I'm proud of my son, I should be a good dad and let him know how I am so proud of him.
He never got into bad habits, instead he stayed up late working his ass up to grow the empire my wife once cherished.
I'm feeling sleepy now, but I won't budge, getting up strolling about the house, I switch on the TV, picking up the remote I began surfing, but it doesn't help with my building anxiety.
Sighing dejectedly, I walk back to the kitchen stool.
"I'll just lean my back to the wall, I sure won't fall asleep in this position"
I thought to myself.

The only sound I heard next, is the front door opening and shutting close.
He is back, suddenly I lose all ounce of morale I had to talk to my son.
Looking through my lashes, I see him walk up to me.
I should just lie still, his features..just like his mum.
He stares down at me, his blue eyes staring intently like he was searching for something on my body, releasing a very deep breath, he walks out, to his room gently, I'm sure he is doing that to avoid making a sound, so I won't wake up.
Hearing the click of the lock on his door, I sit up...face buried in my palms, the tears flowing out.
Only then did realization hit me like a brick.

He doesn't want to talk things out

He doesn't want to make things straight,
He doesn't want to mend the broken father and son relationship.

There and then, I said to myself.

"I must mend our bond, for the sake of my wife, even if it will cost me my last drop of blood, anything that makes him happy, makes me happy"
I vowed silently.


The shrill noise of my piggy alarm wakes me up.

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