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Parking into our drive away, I can see papa and mama's car, their Bonet is still hot meaning it hasn't been long they returned home.
I'm still curios as to why dinner was made mandatory, it definitely has to be something serious.
I turn the door knob as gently as possible, its kinda hot in here.
Now I know why....the heater is off and mum is in the kitchen cooking whatever she's cooking.
Suddenly a silly Idea comes up, why don't I tiptoe to my room, lock myself up till tomorrow afternoon, surely they must be gone by then.
I haven't taken two steps upstairs....."why are you tiptoeing lia?" My dad asks cocking an eyebrow suspiciously, .,.............."uhhhh...oh, hey Dad!!" I wave with my free hand, grinning from ear to ear.
"You haven't answered my question young lady" he says still peering at me.
Oh nothing just thought of running up the stairs into my room and hope nobody sees me so I dont get to stay for your stupid dinner and announcement.
Shaking my head I free the thoughts.
"Nothing dad, I'm heading up to change, will be down in a bit" I say hurrying up the stairs to my room.

Once I'm done getting freshed up, i plug my phone so it can charge up, been low since morning, haven't been online too.
Padding downstairs with my nightwear, and pulling my chair away from beneath the dining table.

Once I'm sitted, "let us pray, shall we??" Mum says holding dad's hands, while dad holds my hand, then my right hand back to mum's forming a circle.
"In the name of the father, and of the son and of the holy spirit" we all make the sign of the cross as Catholics.
"Bless this food oh lord, which you have provided from your bounty, may they bring us sound health of body and mind, through Christ out lord, Amen"
"Amen" both I and dad chorus.


All through the meal, I couldn't concentrate, mum and dad glancing at each other, what the heck!
Sipping the last of my wine I clear My throat saying "dad...mum..I believe its time you tell me why you arranged this dinner and why you both can't stop staring at each other"

Dad spoke up first "it's about your marriage, we decided to betroth you to the heir of the Crawford empire"
"Okayyy that came out more blunt than I expected" I say calmly refilling my glass.
"What else??" I say smacking my lips.
"Manners young lady" mum scolds.
"I'm done here, goodnight" I say pushing my chair backwards and padding quietly upstairs to my room.
Shutting my door quietly I lean against the door, back to it, taking deep breaths I shudder.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not mad at them, or anyone.
I just wasn't prepared for it, at least not now💔.
Sighing deeply I push myself away from the door, walking to my bed.
My phone beeps, a notification.
Oh....tapping the screen, they're numerous notifications from different apps, but one struck my gaze.

Alexander Crawford????!!!!
Mr blue eyes??? No no no no, I roll off the bed falling on the floor with a loud thud.
Just then my brain re sets, I think the fall did a work there.
Crawford...Crawford empire....maybe I'm tripping!!!
I must be tripping!!!!
I scream.
Standing up, I hurry downstairs, yanking the door open I stomp downstairs, to the kitchen.
Standing besides the kitchen island, I lean forward, giving my fake st sweet smile.
Mum is looking at me now, still wondering wassup.
"Hey mum, ohhhhhh, my future husband, heir to the Crawford empire,, *clear throat*, what's his name please, I mean can I...I...yunno see a his picture, I'm just curios"
Mum thinks I'm weird RN, "yes, sure honey" she dries her hand on the apron and fishes her phone out, types some keys, then faces the phone to me.
Rushing forward I grab the phone from her, "is he a twin???...I mean is this his twin brother??”
Oh God please say yes.
"No honey, that's the only heir to the Crawford empire, handsome right???”
She stretches her hand out grabbing the phone, me not wanting to let go, we end up having a low key tug of war with the phone. Finally mum stops dragging it me, I look up, this is Facebook, its his name there, she just searched for him.
I could never forget that eyes, its him.
"Okay, thank you" I say again hurrying upstairs to my room.
Mum's standing there like wtf!!!😕.

Pulling out my phone from my pocket while I fly ontop my bed, I see bri's text.
I quickly reply, somebody def going to hear this, can't contain myself.


yup.....she left me.
Funny as it sounds I know something is coming up, I just can't put my hands on it.
When she's ready she'll let me know.
I'm not going to force it out of her, more reason I'm mad dang!.
When your best friend is feeling so alone and you just can't pinpoint where and how to alleviate some of her pain.
I was still editing some of my designs when I heard the front door slam.
Hearing two male voices that must be papa and Emmanuel.
Emmanuel....that spoiler alert!
Where is he!!...soon I'm stomping out of my room to his room.
He's clothes still intact, closing the door securely I stand, hands akimbo.
"Tell me why I shouldn't Diswan you as my brother??!, well you have a small chance to prove yourself worthy of my "sistership", why didn't you go along with my plan??"
He opens his mouth to day something, then closes it, opens it and asks me with a quizzical look.
"What plan bruhhh!!???”
"The plan, I say making air quote's, duhhhh, to take lia out and kiss her!!"

"What'd you mean, you tripping bruhhh, please leave me alone I'm tired"
"You damn ass slow bruh, I give you a lifetime opportunity you mess it up!!"
Sighing I dont wait for a comeback, I just leave not forgetting to slam the door, I pray the darn door comes out of its hinges.😕
Back in my room, I text lia,
🗨" hey babe, I'm sorry I got too cranky today, blame it on the mood swings, call me or text aight??"

I haven't put my phone down when I receive her text on WhatsApp,

🗨"gurrrllllll you won't believe this!!!¡!”

Oouuuuuu something finna'bout to happen, I can feel it Yeaaaaa, sitting up I text back ASAP.

🗨"Gurl cmon spill it out, don't keep a homie waiting for them juice"

🗨"LOL, You and the slangs, okay I have a good news and a bad news, pick😌"

🗨"LOL, we all everybody loves the bad news first"

🗨" OKAY......."
She's typing.

I can imagine lia's face RN, eyebrows etched together, fingers flying across her keypad.

🗨" you know I always told you I'd be betrothed someday, the arranged marriage stuff and we joked about it??"

🗨"YEA, I remember, has the time come??, you're 21 already about time😂😂😂💅🏾, lmaooo"

🗨" yup, the time has come, we'll be getting married soon".
My face pales immediately, I really thought my brother and her.....but its fine.

🗨" whom?????"

🗨"now the good news, Alexander Williams Crawford, heir to the Crawford empire and Mr blue eyes at the dinner party"


squealing excitedly I rush to the sitting room, taking my car keys, shuffling some undies and toothbrush inside my handbag, I grab my keys and head outside.
"Where are you going young lady, and by this Time??” mama asks coming out of the bathroom with her towel.

"I'm going over to lia's house, she's getting married!!!" with that I storm out of the eyes not without catching a glimpse of emmanuel behind mum.

Ha! In your face coward!


We'll be kinda posting late, buh I'm not stopping.
Writing this chapter I got so carried away😂

Adiós FAM💜💜💜💜💜💜

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