[5.] U N L U C K Y__L U C K

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Stiles finally managed to convince Bucky to stay with him in New York.

It was either that or T'Challa's offer for Bucky to go to Wakanda.

The Black Panther had let go of his vengeance, unlike Tony who still wanted nothing to do with either member of Cap's team.

Bucky was fully against the idea but when Stiles warned him it was either Wakanda or New York unless he wanted a bullet through his skull or a green lightning bolt shoved somewhere the sun doesn't shine the soldier reluctantly agreed.

Bucky was fully against the idea but when Stiles warned him it was either Wakanda or New York unless he wanted a bullet through his skull or a green lightning bolt shoved somewhere the sun doesn't shine the soldier reluctantly agreed

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Stiles's eyes fluttered open, but he wasn't quite sure why he was awake.

It was still the middle of the night and he was still extremely exhausted but when a faint whimpering and thrashing sound hit his ears he knew exactly why.

Stiles sighed as he walked out of his room and into Bucky's he saw the soldier curled up violently rocking himself back and forth.

By now Stiles was used to this, Bucky had been having constant nightmares ever since the first night he stayed here they were all the same, memory flashes running through his mind, mostly, of the war or Siberia, and every now and again he'd see the people Winter Soldier 'him' killed.

"Bucky? Bucky?" Stiles crouched down next to him gently shaking Bucky awake, "James" Stiles tried when he didn't stop whimpering, "it's okay, just wake up" and before Stiles knew it Bucky shot up grabbing him by the throat and throwing him on the bed with the soldier hovering dangerously above him.

"Stiles?" Bucky immediately released, "I'm sorry" he apologized falling backward to catch his breath.

"My fault" Stiles coughed propping himself up on his elbows.

"I just... I'm sorry" Bucky huffed taking in deep breaths before Stiles sat up running a hand up to his arm and settling it on his shoulder.

"You're okay" the assassin reassured him. "It was just a nightmare it wasn't real," Stiles said giving Bucky a comforting squeeze.

"It was real, it was a... memory."

"Was real, keyword," Stiles pointed out getting a soft chuckle from Bucky, "it's in the past you're okay now" Bucky nodded relaxing a bit but only slightly.

"What's with the look?" Stiles asked glancing up at Bucky.

"What look?" Bucky asked his brows furrowing in confusion.

"The look you just had."

"There was no look" Bucky shook his head.

"Bucky, you've been here for at least a month and in that time I've learned about every single look you could possibly give, and that one tells me you want to say something but you're choosing not to" Stiles stated in a matter of factly tone, "and you usually only do that with Steve so what's up?"

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