[13.] C O V E R__S T O R Y

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Stiles reluctantly sat Scott down on the couch. He wasn't sure what to say or where to start, or even if he had to explain anything at all. Wasn't this all his own personal business anyway? It was definitely, but he guessed he did owe the alpha in front of him an explanation.

"So, he's your boyfriend?" Scott carried on, still grinning from ear to ear. "What's his name? And how come you didn't tell me about him? Why did Malia know before I did?" he was pouting now.

"Scotty," Stiles sighed and took a seat on the coffee table in front of him. "You know because of my job there's some things I can't tell you even though you're my best friend, right?"

"Yeah, of course, dude," Scott nodded. "Wait, does this have to do with-- "

"I'm getting there," Stiles cut him off.

But more to the point, he was thinking of what exactly to leave out from their story. What he could actually tell Scott and what lie he was making up to make this whole thing completely believable to a freaking werewolf, who could detect a lie from a mile away.

"Let's put it this way," Stiles said and took in a deep breath to try and completely even out his heartbeat. "A friend from work called in a favor from me. The favor was to look after that big guy upstairs for a while because some powerful people were after him."

"So, he was like in a witness protection program and you're his protector right now," Scott guessed.

"Well, yeah... uh, I guess," Stiles said, thinking that whatever Scott just said made more sense than what he was going to say.

To be honest, with Scott's unknowing help he shortened the entire long-ass lie Stiles had come up with to only a couple of sentences. It was better that way. The shorter the lie, the easier it is to remember, Stiles reminded himself.

"We got to know each other in that time and we... we just clicked, you know," Stiles tried to explain. "I really like him, buddy. More than just like... I... "

"I'm sorry," Scott suddenly apologized.

Stiles frowned in confusion and stared at him. "What?"

"Stiles, I'm really sorry," Scott repeated. "I thought you and Derek were meant to be. I thought you were just as miserable without him as he was without you. I didn't know... It didn't even cross my mind that you might've moved on already, that you were happier now without him."

Stiles blew out a breath and made himself smile one of his old and rare Stiles Stilinski smiles. "Scotty, it's okay. You were just being you, how can I ever be mad at that?"

"So, you are, huh?" Scott asked. "You're happier, aren't you?"

Stiles genuinely smiled this time, his own smile. Maybe it was because Bucky's face popped into his mind when he thought of the word happy, happier, happiness, every variation of it led him to picture his Whitewolf.

"Yeah, I am," Stiles nodded. "I'm happy."

"Good," Scott said, like that's all he ever wanted to hear come out of his best friend's mouth.

"You know, whenever I actually think about it. The most I'm sure Derek and I ever had was puppy love, and no, I didn't intend the pun," Stiles scoffed a laugh at the look on Scott's face. "We were good, Scott. But every time Derek Hale gets mentioned I kind of think a part of me always knew we were never gonna be endgame, man."

"Stiles... "

"I'm okay with that," Stiles nodded confidently. "Who doesn't go through some shitty relationships to finally find the right one?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2022 ⏰

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