Chapter 2

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The next day Patton got up early and waited for Janus to get up. Patton went to the kitchen and made himself some food, he sat down and the small dinning set that he had and he enjoyed his breakfast, he noticed a small cabinet above his refrigerator
Patton: Hmm what there?
He got a chair and climbed on the fridge, there was a VHS tape in the cupboard

Patton: what the-??
He looked at his living room,he had a VHS player!

Patton: ....😏

He walked to his living room and put the VHS tape into the player

Doctor: mr and miss [ Patton's last name] this may be a surprise and not the good kind of suprise, your son ha-dfhhdhh frbtbb fhg

The video gliched out then ended
Patton: what! That's it?!?

He was disappointed.

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