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⚠️⚠️⚠️There will be slight cursing and fluff ⚠️⚠️⚠️(that I most likely suck at writing because I never wrote this type of fluff before) It kinda looks like the photo above.

Astrid's POV

"Astrid truth or dare?" Heather asks while smirking.

Uh oh, um If I chose dare she will probably say something like kiss your crush...but if I chose truth she will probably ask who is my crush...GAH, why is it so hard?!? Right because it's HEATHER! You know what fuck it I'm choosing dare! So what if everyone knows that I have a crush on Hiccup! "Dare" I state confidently.

"I dare you to...Make-out with your crush in front of us" Heather said holding back a squeal. I knew it! I knew she would say something like that and I am totally blushing right now.

I glance towards Hiccup to see what his reaction is and it looks sad, does he think I don't have a crush on him? Wow, idiot. I gulp, and get up to start to walk over to Hiccup, I am giving Heather my death stare but she shrugs it off. Oh, gods, I am super nervous! What if he doesn't feel the same? What if he just sees me as a friend? What if this ruins what we have? GAH! I walk to the other side of the room where he is sitting. I reach him he is obviously lost in thought and I break his thoughts by me smashing my lips on his sweet lips with me gripping his shirt and struggling to hold back a moan. I hear Heather and Fishlegs Squeel, Huh who knew fish shipped us. Ruff and Tuff looked like they wanted to barf, Snot was mumbling annoyed, Dagger was smirking smugly at us. Hiccup was in shock once he processed what is happing which took a few seconds. Please don't ruin our friendship! Hiccup started kissing back and pulled me into his lap and has his hands on my waist. EEKKK he's kissing me! He likes me!!! Wow, I sound like a girly girl. I hear 5 people walk out, The gang left, I guess they left to give us space. I open my mouth slightly and Hiccup takes the chance and slides his tongue into my mouth. I am shocked by his action and moan into his mouth and I feel him smile which makes me happy and I smile as well. I start fighting for dominance and win but I have a feeling Hiccup let me win. But unfortunately, because we are humans we had to break apart and breathe. I am staring into his beautiful Emerald forest green eyes. "That...was ...amazing..." I manage to say.

"Mhm, You have a crush on...me?" He asks staring into my ocean blue eyes.

"Yes, you knucklehead!" I laugh "I should be asking that tho!"

"What? No! You are the most amazing beautiful perfect Valkyrie in the archipelago! Don't doubt yourself, Astrid. Seriously, DON'T. I don't know how I was so lucky that you had a crush on...well me! I am just a stupid reckless idiotic knucklehead!" Hiccup said blushing. "And I'm probably still the usel-"

OMT! He has a crush on me!! BEST DAY EVER! But Hiccup you are so dead for saying that about yourself. "No! you are NOT what they said you were when we were younger! Get that through your thick stubborn skull! And I am the lucky one, DO NOT interrupt me! You are the bravest, smartest, best dragon rider, the stubbornest person I know! (A/N: Sound familiar? HTTYD3 anyone?) And more than my best friend, Don't you dare doubt yourself or you get my ax!" I exclaim blushing and brushing my bangs out of my face for part of it and reaching for my ax.

"Okay! Okay! you win" Hiccup laughs putting his hands up in surrender. "My hut tonight, I want to talk privately when the others aren't eavesdropping" Hiccup whispers sweetly to me that runs shivers down my spine.

I chuckle and sit next to him, and say "come out we know you're there!" They emerge from the darkness, with a look surprised look on their faces. "did you seriously try and be stealthy I knew you were there I am the best at stealth. Knuckleheads." I exclaim.

"That's fair, Astrid." Heather said exhausted probably from squealing probably over 'Hiccstrid'. After everyone took their seats again we resumed the game.

"Alright, Heather Truth or Dare," Tuff asks

"Umm, Dare" She answers hesitantly. I wonder what he has in store for her, I mean he is so...weird so it could be literally anything.

Tuff smirks then said evily "I dare you to...BAHAHAHAH..." everyone got creeped out and scooted away from Tuff including Ruff so that's saying something "Tell us something horrible...that happened in your past"

"Hey, that's mean!" I yelled at Tuff.

"TUFFNUT!" Hiccup scolded.

"No, it's fine...I'M A BEZERKER WE DON'T TURN AWAY A CHALLENGE!" Heather exclaimed determined.

"Aright, but only if you want to" Hiccup reminded her.

"So when I was about...I want to say 10, my parents and I were visiting the Meathead island." I swore I heard hiccup say "uh oh..." nevermind that "And keep in mind this was during chiefs gathering so Hiccup and Dagur were there an-"

"THAT WAS YOU?!?" Hiccup and Dagur shouted clearly shocked.

"Yep. Anyways, when my parents said to explore I headed for the blacksmith's shop since I needed a weapon." I heard chuckling coming from Hiccup. "That was the first time me and Hiccup met he was actually the one who made my first ax. And taught me basic blacksmithing. When we hanging out in town later, Thuggery and his goons decided to bully Hiccup and I, of course, they were successful because there were 5 of them and two of us. Then Dagur came along-," Heather explained

"Keep in mind this was when Dagur wasn't deranged and we were like brothers," Hiccup interrupted again "Sorry"

"it's fine I didn't know that, And he was like the big bad guy nobody wanted to mess with. He hated bullies and what he hated, even more, was people bullying Hiccup for any reason. He approached us and said how about you pick on someone on someone your own size in a threatening voice. I was scared out of my mind when he came along I thought he was going to join in tho. Once he said that they were all like sorry Dagur and ran off in terror once they were all far enough away we all laughed at them. We became friends but a year or so later I kinda forgot Dagur was involved. After the recure Hiccup ran back to the blacksmith's shop mumbling about something, me and Dagur hanged out and Hiccup and Dagur both were at the docks when I left. And I still don't know what you were doing after the rescue Hiccup." Heather continued explaining.

Hiccup was chuckling and Dagur was growling "I was making a well...Dagger for Dagur. What? I thought it would be funny!"

It felt really weird writing the fluff I do not know if I will again. I hoped you enjoyed it either way! Was the fluff okay? And did you guys see the references?


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