Truth and a Dare

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Hiccup's POV

"Alright, Snotlout Truth or Dare?" I asked 

"Umm...Truth" Snotlout answered nervously.

I smirked, Once he saw it panic washed over him. "Who is your current REAL crush?" I asked smirking.

"Good one Hicc!" Astrid said amused.

Snotlout blushed, and stammered "C-Can I do a dare instead?"


"F-Fine, i-it's RUFFNUT OKAY! I LIKE RUFFNUT!" Snotlout sighed then yelled clearly embarrassed moving away from Ruff.

Everyone was speechless. He liked RUFF the troublemaking Ruffnut. Ruff looked broken, Tuffnut was snapping his fingers in front of her face and she didn't even flinch. "Yup, Snotty broke her!" Tuffnut Declared.

"WHAT!" Ruff screamed but you could tell there was a tint of joy in her voice.

"Yea yea hates me now and to Valhalla," Snotlout mumbled in his seat.

Ruffnut punched him in the stomach he yelled out in pain, but then she KISSED HIM ON THE LIPS!?! "Muttonhead, I've always liked you," she tells him walking to her seat leaving a shocked Snotlout then he faints.

We all laugh and Ruff said "Heather Truth or Dare?"

Heather gave ruff a look of 'seriously its obviously dare' "Dare" She said confidently

"I dare you to...juggle 4 flaming double-sided axes while standing on one leg on a barrel. Then flip upside down on a headstand holding the weapons with your feet then stand on one hand on the ground." Ruffnut smirks.

"Uh, don't you think that's a little too dangerous?" Dagur said overprotective

"it'll be fine brother! I love a challenge!" Heather said excitement filling her.

She brought out a barrel and grabbed the 4 flaming axes which were harder than she thought. Then she climbed onto the barrel and lifted her left leg and started.

"Cool!" Astrid said impressed.

"Get down from there!" Both Fishlegs and I said well he screamed terrified.

"Seriously get down! Now!" Dagur said sternly.

"aww, you're no fun!" Heather said as she got down but unluckily for her, she forgot about the other axes and they landed on her right arm (the flat side of the axes) and broke it. 

~1 hour later~

"Yea yea I know no doing that again!" Heather said as she sat down annoyed that she broke her arm but Happy that she completed the challenge.

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