[1.] B A C K U P

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A V E N G E R S   X   D E A D P O O L   X   T E E N   W O L F

Steve sat on the couch with his gaze drifting over his team. The people who chose to stand by his side for Bucky's sake, for all the soldiers HYDRA had controlled and are still controlling. Not to mention the government taking away everything that makes them, them. Their powers, their armor, their weapons, anything and everything they would normally take into battle were confiscated but not before they broke out and rebelled against half of the Avengers team and the US government with them.

"This isn't going to end well," Wanda commented, stating the obvious for everyone to realize.

"No, it isn't," Steve agreed. "But we have to fight for what we believe in even when everyone else thinks it's wrong. I'm not giving up."

"We're with you, Cap," Sam assured.

"But we might need some backup or insurance if you will," Clint smiled he was the lighter out of them the civil war between their team seemingly unaffecting him.

"Backup?" Scott questioned.

"Clint?" Steve raised a curious brow.

"Who would be stupid or brave enough to join us?" Bucky asked crossing his arms.

"My nephew," Clint breathed out with an easy smile. "He can hold his own before you object," he warned Steve whose mouth was already open to crush the idea before it began.

"A kid, Clint?" Steve immediately shook his head.

"A kid whose now twenty-four and whose probably been through a hell of a lot more than you and Barnes back in the war," Clint informed shocking the two soldiers into silence.

"How so?" Wanda asked, genuinely curious as to who could outdo Captain America himself.

"Not my tale to tell," Clint stated. "But what I can tell you is that he's a highly trained and paid assassin and his father is someone even Tony gets nervous around," Clint grinned loving the idea of making the cocky and self-assured multi-billionaire uncomfortable.

"Who's his father?" Bucky questioned.

"Wade Wilson. Deadpool," Clint said. "He's a sort of anti-hero type. Only steps up when he has to not very sane upstairs after what happened to him to activate his super-healing so he didn't die of cancer," Clint explained with a shrug. "Split personality disorder used to be the merc the X-men called for when times got tough even for a superhero... my nephew just so happened to follow in his father's footsteps with everything except for the insanity part," Clint added.

"Clint, I don't think..."

"We need all the help we can get," Sam reminded Steve making Wanda and Scott nod before Bucky shared a glance with his best friend urging him on.

"Fine," Steve sighed. "But what makes you think he'll even want to help us?"

"One way to find out," Clint grinned pulling out his phone.


Stiles crawled through the air duct. His mission for the week included blowing up a Russian weapon's stash and taking out one of the most dangerous mafia bosses that ever lived and let's just say he was excited but exhausted. He'd been at this for the last three days without any sleep or so much as a crappy cup of coffee.

Stiles punched at the small grid gate until it swung open letting him jump down into the main hall before his phone buzzed making him sigh as he pulled it out with one hand while his other held his gun at the ready.

"Hello?" Stiles answered, tucking his phone in between his neck and shoulder as he turned the corner.

"Hey, Stiles, how you doing buddy?" Clint asked with a goofy grin at hearing his nephew's voice again it had been way too long since their last reunion.

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