Chapter eighteen

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(A/N there is a Hamilton lyric in here. Its altered, two words have been changed to match the story line. The lyric is from Helpless. If you find it, you get a prize)

I froze, my face turned bright pink.

"Thanks for asking but the Alexander Hamilton machine is out of order," Hercules said, walking into the cave with a rabbit strung over hit shoulder.

"Herc, you ruin every moment ever," John said.

He asked to Kiss me? I didn't know how to respond. I mean I honestly wanted too, but it sounded almost unreal. The most amazing person in the world... kissing me? I think I might be having a mental break down.

"Sorry if that's too fast for you," John said nervously.

"Yes," I said.

"What?" John asked.

"Yes, you can kiss me," I said, blushing.

John stared dreamily into my eyes.

"Seriously, I cant even be around you two," Hercules said, dropping the rabbit on the ground and walking back out of the cave.

He moved his head closer... And then I suddenly felt his lips touch mine. I kissed him back, and then we backed away, blushing hard. I don't think I'd ever stop blushing from now on. John gave me an adorable smile, and I smiled back at him. Suddenly tears where welling up in my eyes, and I started crying.

"Whats the matter?" John asked, there beside me, like always.

"I-I don't want to loose you," I cried into his shoulder.

"You are such a cry baby," John teased.

"I-if you die I don't know what I'll do," I sobbed.

"Alexander, listen to me," John said seriously.

I looked up into his eyes.

"If I die, you need to go and be the winner of these games, hear me? Then you go home to your family, and you live a nice happy life. Understand?" John said, staring deep into my eyes.

"I wont be able to be happy," I said, my tears easing up.

"Well you have to be, for me, understand?" John said.

"A-and if I die, you have to do the same then," I said.

John nodded at me, and then he wrapped me tight in his arms.

"I wont be able to be happy. I'd be so lonely. I'd miss you so much," I said.

"As long as I'm alive, Alex, you will never feel so lonely," John whispered.


I stared outside, leaning on Johns shoulder. Hercules sat next to us as the Panem anthem started to play. The first face to appear was Jefferson's, with a large number one beneath it. Next was Elizabeth Schuyler, with a number three. Rosemary Book, with a four. Peggy Schuyler, with a five. And then Maria Reynolds, accompanied by a six.

"That just leaves us and Arnold," I pointed out.

"I wonder how he survived the explosion," Hercules said.

"So, what happens when Arnold dies?" I asked nervously.

"We survive as long as we can," John replied.

"The capitol will send all kinds of things at us," Hercules added.

I nuzzled my face closer to Johns.

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