Chapter three

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(A/N The districts people are in is pretty randomly selected, except Alex of course hes poor so he gets the poor district)

I stood next to Julie, Looking like a fire pit. 

Nothing strange about that sentence here in the capitol.

I was standing on a black carriage thing, I think it was called a chariot. Horses where hooked up to the front of the chariot. There where twenty-four people here. I looked down at my paper again.

District 1- Thomas Jefferson, Angelica Schuyler

District 2-  Marquis de Lafayette, Lucia Peterson

District 3- John Adams, Elizabeth Schuyler

District 4- Pete Scott, Rosemary Book

District 5- Hercules Mulligan, Peggy Schuyler

District 6- John Jay, Maria Reynolds

District 7- Cooper Oliver, Isabelle Tonks

District 8- John Laurens, Christy Heart

District 9- Charles Lee, Martha Cook

District 10- Benedict Arnold, Peggy Shippen

District 11-  Alberto Cross, Ruth Ginsberg

District 12- Alexander Hamilton, Julia Wood

I heard of the Schuyler sisters. They where insane, according to all the gossip. They all went into different districts, And agreed that if one was picked, the other two would volunteer so they could die together. Peggy Schuyler was well known, so was Lafayette. 

Peggy Schuyler was well known for being the person who killed Peacekeepers. when a Peacekeeper was being... Sexually inappropriate to her older sister, Elizabeth, Peggy had attacked the Peacekeeper with a rock, and brutally smashed their head over and over until their skull was visible through the blood. And she had gotten away with it. Peggy was once with the axe, if you had an axe, the image that came in mind was Peggy.

Lafayette was known for being skilled with the sword. He had trained his whole life for these games, and he had been honored to be chosen. He was expected to win according to many of the citizens.

Alberto Cross was known a bit for his knife wielding, he could use them like ninja stars.

John Laurens was known for being charming. He was kind, caring, but also had some fight inside him. I didn't recognize many of the others. I knew Benedict was supposed to be a big baby, he had been shot in the leg by a Peacekeeper a year ago and had a terrible limp. Rumors said it was because the Peacekeeper had blocked his way while he was running a race, and Benedict had attacked the Peacekeeper because he was about to win. He would never run again after his leg injury.

Thomas and Hercules  where both known for being intelligent. Although Thomas was more of the brave type, to risk his life for fame, while Hercules is more of a humble type who helped those in need.

Peggy Shippen and Benedict are known as a couple, they had been lovers ever sense they first met. Although there where rumors that Peggy Shippen is a bit insane, and never really loved Benedict at all.

Suddenly the chariot started moving. I realized all the other chariots in front of us where moving ahead as well, out of the huge doorway. As we moved forward, we exited a building. Now we where on a huge open road of marble, huge bleachers filled of people where cheering at the tributes and throwing things like roses.

I made the face of 'This is stupid I should not be here'. Although Julie smiled widely, twirled around in her dress, blew kisses, and waved. A rose smacked my in the face, but I ignored it. All of this was idiotic.

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