Chapter twelve

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"Confession time," Hercules said as we sat around the burnt out campfire in the morning.

"Confession time?" I asked.

"Its where you confess something because you're going to die and it would be better just to get it off your chest," John explained, he was still pink from last night.

I looked at our team. Lafayette lay on the ground, he had woken up at some point during the night, but he was unable to move. He just lay there, staring at us with his eyes open and once in a while laughing quietly at a joke. Arnold was very suspicious. He kept sending this evil glances at me. I kept a knife in my pocket at all times now.

Hercules stopped crying when Lafayette woke up. John was adorabl- Nope. John was a very nice friend to have. When I woke up last night on his shoulder, I had expected him to slap me or something, but he gave me a beautiful smile, and let me rest there for a bit longer.

"Well, Confession time here's what I got, my fellow tributes will tell you I'm a terrible shot," Arnold said.

"Something more juicy. We all know you are terrible with long ranged things," Hercules said.

"I don't like Hamilton much," Arnold muttered.

"Why?" John asked immediately. "Hes like, nice, smart, brave, a natural leader, amazing, good with a spear, can make food, start fires, hes got great hair, hes ado-" John cut himself off and blushed. "I-I mean hes just a really great guy."

I looked up at his pink face, and tried not to blush to much myself. I smiled slightly, John thought I was adorable! Butterflies flew around in my chest.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Hercules shouted, standing up to his feet.

"WHAT?" Arnold shouted, grabbing onto a sword.

"ALEXANDER SMILED! EEEE!" Hercules shouted and I heard Lafayette laugh.

John examined my face. I tried not to smile, but I ended up with a little smirk on my face.

"OH MY HEDGEHOGS!" John smiled widely.

"What is he smiling about though?" Hercules asked suspiciously.

I looked away from them, still trying to hide my smile away.

"Don't let him hide his smile!" Hercules shouted.

John leapt over to me and grabbed my mouth, pulling up the sides so it looked like I was smiling still. I playfully swatted my hands at him, he jumped away and laughed, I smiled even more. 

"I wish we had a camera," Hercules complained.

We continued to rough-house together, playing around like normal teenage boys for a couple minutes. That's when I felt a sudden strong gust of wind. I stopped trying to pick up Lafayette and throw him at Hercules. I stared out at the water through the tree trunks. Then I looked up at the sky. 

It was yellow.

My eyes stretched wide and I ran over to John. Already a tear fell down my cheek at the memory of the hurricane.

"Whats wrong?" He asked in a worried voice.

I pointed up at the yellow sky. Hercules seemed to know what that meant, and went over to pick up Lafayette in a single swift motion. Arnold stood up too, and all five of us quickly went over towards a large rock near the pond we where camping at. Hercules set down Lafayette at the base of the rock. Hopefully the rock would block some wind, and other things, from hitting us.

It would be ideal to have a cave, but there was no time to run all the way up the mountain. I huddled at the base of the rock, more tears streamed down my face as I squeezed Johns hand. Why did they have to send a hurricane? Did they know it was my weakness? Did the game makers want me to seem weak in front of my friend and John?

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