Chapter fourteen

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My crying subsided. My heart beating fast. What did he just say?

I looked up into John's soaking wet face. He looked like he had been crying, but now he wasn't. He stared into my eyes.

"D-did you just- say-," I stuttered, there's no way. 

"I love you," John repeated, looking into my eyes.

No, that's not possible. I'm district twelve. Hes well known. Hes handsome, and kind. He does not want some idiot like me. Does he? The thunder boomed overhead, but I didn't flinch. I was too deep in thought. I looked back at his eyes. He looked pitiful and desperate. I wanted this- But there was no way.

"I-I'm sorry," John stuttered, looking away.

I didn't know what to say, so I just wrapped my arms around him as tight as I could. John looked at me in surprise. I don't think I've ever hugged him before. It felt so nice to hug someone back for once. I rested my head on his chest for a moment.

"I'm sorry, this is terrible timing, we shouldn't be talking about this. I'm sorry, I know you don't like me," John said, blurting it out.

"You don't have to apologize to me, apologize to Hercules. He needs you now," I said quietly, letting go of him.

John nodded, looking relieved to end the conversation. I watched him walk over to Hercules and Arnold. I hugged my legs and flinched at the thunder and wind. I desperately wanted to be in John's arms, I wanted to lean on his shoulder. But a friend just died, that's more important. But the thought of John loving me pushed its way into my thoughts every time I tried to think about Lafayette;

Lafayette, the brave hero. he was so selfless, sacrificing his life for us. But does John really like me? Lafayette will always be remembered, by generations. I would make him a monument. Carve it myself out of that huge rock by the fence around district twelve. I really want to be with John, but there is no way. No, possibility. Marquis de Lafayette, the whole capitol should be mourning his death right now.

I shuddered as even more rain started pouring down. Then the entire forest was lifted into the air.

It seemed as if every single tree was lifted into the sky as the harshest part of the storm reached where we where hiding. I stared, wide eyed, at the trees. John was already at my side, pulling me up. We had to find a cave, or we would all die. I heard a canon go off in the distance, someone was probably just smashed.

John pulled me through the forest of flying trees, Hercules and Arnold followed. John spotted a cave, and dragged me towards it. Before we reached the entrance, a terrible image flashed before my eyes.

I was on the beach, again, and the palm tree flew straight at James. But this time there wasn't James, this time it was John. John got smashed by the tree, and was sent flying into a stone wall. I screamed and ran over to him. He was pinned by the tree to the wall, and blood spilled from his mouth.

"JOHN!" I shouted.

I grabbed his face in my hands.

"No no no," I said.

 I felt around his neck, but I couldn't find a pulse. I stared in horror at his dead body. Then I looked around, tears streaming down my cheeks. I saw Lafayette, Jefferson holding a knife in his hands and slicing Lafayette's throat. Blood splattered the white sand. Then Jefferson laughed, and dissolved into the hurricane. 

I then saw Hercules, shouting at Lafayette to wake up, tears rolling down his face into the already soaking wet sand. A rock went flying, and smashed into Hercules's skull.

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