Chapter 9

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Isen's POV

We all groaned inwardly as Rosie dashed inside to retrieve her 50th cuddly toy, insisting we couldn't leave without 'Snuffles.' Percy, Blyke and I had been sitting in Paul's Prius for at least 30 minutes while Rosie remembered every single thing she'd forgotten. I was shocked that one girl could have so many teddies, but Percy acted like this was all a normal occurrence. I was about to suggest we all go back inside for second breakfast when Rosie skipped back out, a huge fluffy toy dog in her arms. Percy grinned at her and asked,


Rosie nodded eagerly and hopped into the front seat of the car, the spot which I very much wanted but, alas, it was given to the 7 year-old. Percy turned the ignition key and was already moving in less than 2 seconds, I guess we were all ready to leave.

'Wait but I think I forgot-'

'No!' came the cry from all three of us. Rosie sat back, pouting, but clearly wasn't too sad about it as she contented herself with breathing on the window and drawing smiley faces in the condensation. We drove in comfortable silence for a while before Percy said,

'To be honest, I'm surprised I'm still allowed in this car after all that's happened to it under my watch.'

'What do you mean?' Blyke asked.

'Well I mean it got stomped by a pegasus for starters, it nearly got destroyed with Apollo and Meg in it-'

'You had the god Apollo in this car!?' I yelled, probably a little louder than necessary considering Percy was in the same car as me but I was surprised. He had an... an Olympian in this car!? That was huge!

'Yeah but not the god Apollo, just the mortal teen Apollo, well yes okay the god Apollo, but not when he was actually a god. If that makes sense.'

'I- okay,' I said faintly. It did not make sense to me, though Blyke began to talk excitedly to Percy about his daredevil adventures with Apollo the 'god but not god'. I sat back and stared at the buildings flying past, not focusing on them as I replayed my conversation with Blyke last night for the thousandth time that morning. I had no idea how he felt about me! Obviously, we were best friends, we agreed on...well, lots of things, and 9 times out of 10 we were on exactly the same brainwave, as if we knew what the other was thinking. I know him like the back of my hand, platonically at least. Romantically, though, I had to admit, I was utterly lost. I had liked him for ages but romance was a bit of an off-limit topic for us, it was like taboo, we just didn't talk about it. I didn't even know if he liked guys or not. He hadn't picked me up on my staring last night though, did he not notice, did he not mind?

I brought my thoughts back to topics up for discussion and tried to concentrate on Percy and Blyke's animated conversation. I had to shake my head to see if I was dreaming as I listened to Percy talking about how he had defeated the Titan Lord Kronos, defeated Gaia herself alongside the Olympians, and fallen into Tartarus with his girlfriend! Tartarus!? Wasn't that hell or something? I would have bet good money on the idea that no human could ever survive Tartarus but the evidence against that was driving this car.

As we left the country road we were on and drove straight into the woods, I began to wonder just how secluded this Camp Half-Blood was. Demigods didn't sound like ones to spend lots of time hiding themselves, I thought they sounded pretty whimsical, but I guess they knew a thing or two about concealing themselves from the mortal world.

Percy soon stopped the car and said brightly, 'Well this is where we get out, I can probably get a friend to pick up the car at some point... if it's still here,' he laughs, while I stared at him, eyebrows. We were just going to leave the car here!? It could be picked up by anyone...anything. I shuddered and lent on Blyke's shoulder to steady myself before remembering I was mortified about last night, and retrieved my hand at the speed of light. Unfortunately, this caused me to stumble and Blyke had to steady me anyway, to my complete embarrassment.

We began our hike up what seemed to be a never-ending mountain, me trying to balance staying a little behind Blyke, but not getting left behind, and also watching Rosie just in case she wandered off, but strangely she seemed utterly at home in the forest. I wondered how she came to be so independent at such a young age, it seemed incomprehensible that a seven year-old would have progressed so far in their ability that they could overpower an adult demigod who was, apparently, one of the most powerful of his type. She did it all on her own too! I felt a little sorry for Rosie, having to grow and develop her ability on her own, with no help at all. She appeared to be happy though, it was clear Percy meant the world to her, so I felt a little guilty too, as we would be taking her away eventually. At least, that was the plan...I think.

We finally reached the top off the hill, to my relief; my legs were no longer with us and collapsed under me, causing me to plonk down in a useless heap while the other gave me an exasperated look. I couldn't help it if I didn't go to the gym every day like Blyke, Netflix and ice cream is just too tempting! I surveyed our surroundings, we appeared to be in the middle of nowhere. There were fields of strawberries but other than that, nothing. I thought Percy must have got us lost, but he didn't seem to think so. He crouched down next to Rosie and began pointing out cabin things and various places in Camp Half-Blood. Rosie seemed to be following along but Blyke looked just as blank as me.

'Um, Percy?' I asked tentatively, 'What am I supposed to be...' I gestured randomly in front of myself, 'seeing?'

Percy looked at me as if I wasn't quite right in the head and came over to me. 'Well what can you see?' he asked carefully.

'Uh...strawberries,' I replied. He raised his eyebrows at me as if to say 'anything else' but I was completely confused, what else was there?

He stared at me for a good 5 seconds before he grinned and said, 'ohhhh it's the Mist! You're completely mortal so you can't see the camp whereas Rosie and I are at least vaguely related to the Gods.'

I was even more lost and a little worried about my chances of getting into Camp Half-Blood. 'But...but then... you said there was a barrier, right?' Percy nodded. 'So, can I actually get through this barrier?'

'Yeah of course you- wait. Wait no actually, you can't. No, definitely not. Neither can Blyke,' Percy said grimly.

Well damn it. It seems we've run into another problem.  

Thanks for reading guys :) hope you liked this chapter!

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