Chapter 6

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Rosie's POV

I smiled up at my older brother, who was looking at me with a rather strange expression. I had felt him begin to play around with the stream of water a minute or two earlier and had decided that now would be the perfect time to finally show him that I'm like him...sort of. I had hoped for a delighted response but Percy and the new people just looked shocked; the orange one looked as if he was in pain! Maybe I'm not actually impressing them enough, I think, I guess just keeping the water above my head isn't all that wonderful. I'm sure I can beat Percy though, I bet he can't do this...

Isen's POV

My nose hurt and I was confused. Very, very confused. Blyke and I had come looking for Percy Jackson, a high tier, who we found, all right, although it has now come to light that he isn't a high-tier, he's a ...half-blood... thing. That's pretty much as far as the plan went and I certainly hadn't planned to find out that Ancient Greek deities were running around having children and generally disrupting the order of the universe. Okay maybe that's a slight exaggeration but they definitely messed things up a bit. And Rosie! Where did that come from!? Percy's seven year-old, apparently mortal, sister had decided that she was bored with her pool of water and was now turning it into various shapes! I could make out some of them: rabbits, paintbrushes...was that Percy? She was making water take the form of her older brother and could cause it to act out little scenes, without moving at all, without seeming to focus at all as she continued looking up at Percy, though more mischievously than shyly now, as if she was challenging him. I was stunned. I had no idea what was the norm for demigod powers but, by UnOrdinary standards, she must be a high-tier, and if she's that good at just 7 years, maybe even a god-tier.

Percy finally spoke, after more than a little prompting from Blyke and myself and, it appeared, Rosie. 'I have absolutely no idea what is going on,' Percy said with resignation, 'I've never seen this before.'

I was about to step in and ask Rosie herself what was going on when she beat me to it as she asked Percy, 'are you sure?'

Percy looked even more confused, his eyebrows furrowed so much you could barely see his eyes, as he visibly reached into the depths of his memory. After a few seconds his face cleared as he let out a faint 'oh'; it seemed he had remembered something.

'Wasn't there that time when Mom and I were giving you a bath and I was making little bubbles float out of the water?'

Rosie nodded encouragingly as Blyke and I stood shoulder to shoulder wondering where this was going to go.

'And then I stopped making the bubbles because we needed you to get out but you didn't want to and Mom said I was distracting you but then the bubbles kept going and over time I just assumed I had kept going but I hadn't and it was you!' Percy said extremely fast in one massive breath. 'And there was also that time at the beach, and the pool, How did I not notice?'

He was smiling by now though and was seriously impressed, as was I, if I was perfectly honest. I looked at Blyke and asked 'so what do you make of all this then?'

Blyke took a deep breath and said, 'I mirror what Percy I never would have expected to find, well, this. I mean, we came looking for one high-tier, and found one, which turned out to be none, and now another one who is a demigod. But then we don't actually know if she is a demigod. She isn't related to Poseidon, yet has Percy's powers, which is unexplainable. Not to mention, she knew Percy was coming home, which only someone with your ability or similar could do. So yeah, wow.'

I was surprised at Blyke's in-depth reply. I hadn't yet thought of the problem with Rosie and how she came to have her powers but, now that I thought about it, I could think of no reason as to why she would have both mine and Percy's abilities but wasn't related to Poseidon and certainly not to me. I guess this whole thing is even more complicated than I thought a few seconds ago.

'So,' I started, looking at Percy with an expectant expression, 'what on earth is going on?'

'Well at least we know why I lost control of the water,' said Percy with a pointed look at Rosie, who was making hundreds of tiny bubbles, forming a blanket of bubbliness around her head, 'why she has my powers... I have no idea.'

Suddenly a voice coming from the doorway to the lounge said, 'I think I might have some information that would do you all good to hear,' shocking me and causing me to slam into Blyke yet again as I jerked round to see who was responsible for this intervention.

Paul Blofis was leaning casually against the door-frame, but too casually, as if he wasn't actually casual but trying to appear so, with Sally next to him, hands on her hips and eyebrows raised so high I thought they might disappear into her hairline.

It appeared Paul had some explaining to do. 

Hi everyone :) thanks so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed this update! 

UnKnown Powers (An UnOrdinary/Percy Jackson crossover)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora