Chapter 16

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Isen's POV

I shook out my shoulders nervously, trying not to pace around the cabin, as Blyke attempted to set up an Iris message for us to call Remi. I wasn't sure exactly why I was so nervous, of course Remi is scary, and yes, she would be irritated at us for forgetting to stay in touch, but why was I so worried about it? I did have one suspicion, it could be to do with Blyke and I, I wasn't sure how she would react to us being, well, whatever we were, and of course there was still the possibility that she liked Blyke. It was a stupid thing to worry about, I guess, but everything was still more than new and Blyke and I hadn't actually talked anything over yet.

Bringing my thoughts back to reality, I focused on Blyke, who was still trying to position a sprinkler on the floor yet facing upwards, in order to create an Iris message. We had been forced to try this method of communication as it was, apparently, our only method of communication. Phones were banned, it seemed, but I had been luckier than Blyke. He took it out earlier to text Remi and, faster than he could react, Percy had swatted it out of his hand and fed it to a nearby satyr. Needless to say, Blyke was heartbroken, and I was downright shocked at the speed at which the piece of technology was taken away, and the fact that it had just been eaten.

Trying not to laugh, I got up to help Blyke, kneeling down beside him and saying, 'you do realise you could just lean it against a stack of books, right? Then it wouldn't fall over...'

'Oh,' came a quiet reply.

I frowned; it wasn't like Blyke to be so quiet, or quite so pathetic, so I tapped his shoulder gently. He looked up with glazed eyes, clearly, he wasn't okay, and that scared me. I looked into his golden eyes, knowing he could hear my unspoken question, asking why he was like this. He took a quick breath and rolled back his shoulders, before practically whispering, 'I don't have a phone anymore.'

I practically wilted with relief, Blyke wasn't dying. He also wasn't impressed at my reaction, opening his mouth in indignation as he prepared to defend his point. I laid my hand on his shoulder again and said, 'look, it's not that it doesn't matter, of course it does, I was just worried you were, well, dying.'

'I am dying!' Blyke protested.

I sighed, deciding to let Blyke win this one, and said reassuringly, 'you can buy a new one when we get back, I'll even contribute, it can be an early birthday present.'

The corners of Blyke's mouth curved upwards ever so slightly, and he turned back to his attempt at an Iris message, stacking some books on Greek Mythology and leaning the sprinkler against them, hoping we wouldn't be soaked as soon as we turned it on. In retrospect, we probably should have just done it outside. Turning on the sprinkler to the lowest setting, creating a screen of mist, I recalled the words Percy had drilled into my head to make sure I said them correctly.

'Oh Iris, Goddess or the Rainbow, please accept my offering, and show us Remi in the Wellston Girls' Dormitory,' I said clearly, before waiting for something to happen. Blyke and I sat in anticipation for a few seconds before Blyke exclaimed, 'you idiot, you forgot the coin!'

Oops. He meant the gold drachma thing that Percy had given us for the message. I grabbed it and flung it into the mist, hoping I wasn't too late. Thankfully, Remi's room appeared as a shimmering image in front of us. Our pink-haired friend was lying on her back on the floor, clearly attempting to revise for something as textbooks and notes were spread all over the floor in disarray. She rolled over to face us, still reading, before noticing the video message that was currently floating before her. Having been caught unawares, she sprung to her feet, small sparks flying from her fingertips. She gaped at us for a few seconds, an awkward silence creeping in on both sides of the line. 

This continued uncomfortably for what felt like years, until Blyke broke into an easy smile, bracing his elbows on his knees as he said casually, 'What are you revising for? You do realise it's the summer holidays?'

I looked at him in awe, how could he smile like that when barely a minute ago he was having a mental breakdown? His social skills had always been better than mine I guess, as painful as it was to admit.

Remi relaxed a little, and said with a sigh, 'with this whole John scene going on, and managing the Safe House, I didn't find much time for schoolwork, so I have a lot to catch up on before September.' 

There was a pause before she launched into, 'so, what is this?' How on earth are you doing it!? And why didn't you call me before!? I was worried, you know! You seem to be alive though... and comfortable,' she finished, slightly out of breath, as she glared at us, thought admittedly not very harshly.

I blushed slightly at her mention of comfortable, and disentangled myself from Blyke, having found I was gripping onto him rather hard as I beheld Remi's short rant. I replied this time, saying,

'Yeah, we're alive, and we have quite a lot to talk about.'

Blyke nodded and took over, saying directly, 'we appear to have discovered a new world.'

I gave him a look, couldn't he have said that more gently? Blyke was ever the blunt one, I don't know if he even knew how to be tactful. Remi looked like she stopped breathing for a second, before she said surprisingly calmly, with only a slight eyebrow raise, 'it seems we do have a lot to talk about.' 

Hi guys, I know this is, well, basically a week late, but it is here now, and hopefully I'll have an update for tomorrow as well! Thanks for being patient and hope you liked the chapter :)

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