chapter 16 (past-9)

Start from the beginning

Her phone buzzed and he saw the caller ID rahul

"Rahul" He was curious to know who is this rahul, he saw same id even other day in office

Rahul, at this time, why he is calling, Priya thought and answered the call
"Hello Rahul"
"Hey hiiii"
"You didn't sleep yet it's almost 1:30 in India go now sleep call me in the morning"
"Yeah Priya" he said in full voice, she said goodnight and disconnected and again looked at Avinash he smiled at her battling whether to ask her or not but he finally thought to ask

"Chanchan who was that"

"That's Rahul" she smiled, who is this Rahul why is she smiling, he thought but didn't voiced

"Rahul your brother??!!" He asked, playing safe

"What no, he is my best friend actually we are best friends from since forever, actually we three are are a best gang you know"  she said and smiled

"Three??" He asked

"Yeah me Rahul and sid" she said gleefully

"Yeah Priya that's great" Avinash answered but he was almost green due to jealous, but he started eating not wanting to spoil this evening, Priya talked everything about her, he enjoyed her rant, he was admiring beauty infront of him. After some time they started eating silently

Priya first time in the night night glanced at Avinash, he was really a handsome most man, he was looking great in black shirt and messy hair, sharp jaw, his Adams apple was bobbing while gulping, she started memorising his every feature like he is a subject for exam.

Avinash knew love of his life was staring at him from a long time now, he pressed his lips almost stopping to smile, he wanted to tease her so he spoke

"Take a picture chanchan, it will last long" he said surpresing his smile, she was all embarrassed and almost become red, he chuckled at her reaction

"Actually Avinash you......... You........."

"Yeah chanchan"

"Actually you looking good today..... Black really suits you"

"Tsunami in London maybe possible today" he teased


"Someone prised me so definitely it would be"

"Oh God Avi you are such a drama king" she said rolling her eyes

"What you called" he asked amused

"Drama king" she said

"No not that, u said something else, chanchan you said me Avi"

"Yeah so what mister"

"Hmmmm..... Okay you can call me Avi even mom dad calls me Avi"

"But no one calls me chanchan" she said

" Yeah that copyright belongs to me and only me" he said sheepishly

"Okay Mr Gupta eat now" she said sarcastically

"Yeah Mrs Gupta" he said but soon realised what he said, he was praying to God not to spoil this evening, Priya on other had perplexed by new endearment, but she didn't felt uncomfortable she knew he was confessing though it is indirectly

"Not yet" she replied, coyly

"Maybe soon" he said and she smiled, he couldn't believe that she smiled, he was happy, hus every insecurity flewed away, he grinned like an idiot

"Let's go" she said, as soon as they finished dinner, she glanced outside, she was new afraid to go but she has to, she can't even say it to him.

"Actually I don't want to" he said little sad

"But we have to" she said

"Yeah we have to" they moved towards exit, she clutched his arm tightly, he halted and glanced at her, she was looking pale

"Are you okay chanchan" he asked

"Actually I feel scared at nights it's kind of nyctophobia" she said looking down

"Then why didn't you said before chanchan.......... Chanchan remember a thing what ever you feel you can say me, I think you never step back to say if something is inconvenient to your dad, or even Rahul and sid so let me clear you chanchan, I will be ur best buddy and protective hus............ Protective too"

"thank you"

"Now lets go"

"Wait here chanchan I'll bring our car" she caught his hand tightly, he kept his hand around her shoulder

"it's okay come with me let's get our car" he said and she walked along with him

"Avinash can I ask you something"

"Don't ask , Just order madam" he smiled

"Can we walk on the road like this"

"But you said, you scared of darkness"

"Yeah but today I feel secured" no man could get the best moment like this where his girl says IAM feeling secured in your arms, even Avinash was no less he was on cloud nine, they started walking until Avinash again spoke

"Priya, wait stop"


"This view Priya it's beautiful"

"Yeah Avinash it is beautiful"

She came out from his hands and started enjoying the view, and she broke the silence voicing her thoughts

"Avinash I don't know what to say, but it is the fist time iam enjoying darkness without any fear, I never thought it would happen, and then I never thought I would feel protected in someone's arms, besides my father, I don't know if iam sounding like a teenager but I love you, don't ask me when, heck even I don't know when I fell for you Avinash, I just know that I love you" she ended her confession, he didn't said anything, she don't if she did something wrong but before any other thoughts come into her mind, Avinash pulled her into hug, he was beyond happy no words came at they moment his eyes was almost wet, he released her from his hug and spoke cupping her face.

"I love you chanchan, I love you too, I loved you from the second I saw you in you campus, just I didn't had courage to tell you and loose you" he attached his forehead with her, he hugged her again placing a soft kiss on her forehead.

They was enjoying eachother presence by seeking comfort in eachother in peaceful silence, but he was the first one to break it

"I think we have to go back" he said in her hair

"Yeah let's go"

"Fst let's go to the restaurant parking for our car and then we can go home" he said, she smiled and nodded......He opend the car door for her and she sat in the car.

" Hey can I ask you a thing" he asked, she nodded

"Don't you drive car, I mean I never saw you driving, you always come with your friend"

"Are you stalking me Mister" she narrowed her eyes, he smiled sheepishly, she rolled her eyes

"Nah iam not stalking, I was just knowing you" he stated

"Whatever, and yeah I don't drive, and I don't know why, and I even didn't got my license" he hummed

"You are 20 right" he asked and she nodded

"Yeah and you 25"she said and laughed

"So what, even u will become 25"

"Then you gonna be 30"

"Oh God chanchan let's stop about age......And that's your apartment"

"Yeah bye, good night Mr Gupta "

"Love u Mrs Gupta"  she blushed

"Aaahhhh girl don't blush that's my weakness, I said you"

"Ufffff drama king, now go"

"Goodnight"he said and he left

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