Chapter 31

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Mingi's POV

I just couldn't  even describe how much Hongjoong turned me on.  Everything, his scent, his body language, his actions. 

In my head, in my heart he's perfect for me.  I fall for him  more and more every day.

 The fact that now I had  him all to myself in the tree house was beyond my wildest dreams. He could have easily had someone better than me. But by some miracle Hongjoong loved me.  

Someone who was damaged by the past. But someone who really wished they could move one. 

As someone who is in his head a lot , I appreciated how much Hongjoong tried.  

He showed me a side of love I had lost faith in completely or hadn't known at all. He fulfills all my fantasies.

All my life I was told I was never going to be good enough for anyone.  He proved me wrong.

He showed me true, pure love and I am so thankful to him. 

I see myself with him in my future too. He makes me so happy, I want to see the world with him.

I want to have a family with him but at this point, it's all in my head for now.

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