Chapter 1

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Mingi's POV

See the thing is, people have always admired me for my beautiful black & yellow wings in the past.

But many people have also mistreated me in the hybrid center and by my past owner because of that I have become sceptical and developed trust issues.

Which is why when I go to the human world I am very wary of humans.

I don't fully trust any human. Which is good in a way but at the same time makes me wonder if I am worthy of love and admiration in the first place.

Since everyone I have met so far has not shown me any sincerity or caring, let alone love.

Visting the human world made me feel safe in a way but, also lonely. Safe because no one really genuinely noticed me so I could pretend to be something I am not.

Lonely, because no one bothered to come close to me without cruel intentions. No one who genuinely cared. 

Because of the cruelty I had experienced in the past I  was still quite jittery and flighty.

People getting too close to me made me anxious that they only wanted me for my beauty.

Except for my friend at the hybrid center who was kitten hybrid, Yunho.

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