Chapter 24

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Hongjoong's POV

Mingi seems quite jittery lately like he is worried about something.

I'm worried about him. To be completely honest I am not sure about everything but I know I love him.

But he seems to be planning something and although I have asked Yunho, he doesn't seem to know.
Or he knows and  has been bribed by Mingi with fried chicken and told not tell me.

My only assumption is that Mingi wants to confess to me but is waiting for the right time.

I have anxiously been waiting by my phone,  much to the amusement of Seonghwa and Yunho.

After what seems like a eternity later, I hear my message notification going off.

In one is a voice note that sounds like a extremely scared Mingi saying that Keonhee has people tracking him. I text back immediately telling him to not move I'll be there soon. The next message included his location.

Assuming that Keonhee's found him again in the field he has mentioned before, I panic.

He is mine now. And only mine. I'm not trying to be possessive cuz I know that scares him.  I just want to protect him. He means the world to me.

I have to find him. Even though I may have an inkling that this is some sort of prank.
Soon I arrive at the location Mingi sent.

I take my time marvelling at the beautiful flowers around me.

After a few minutes I feel strong pair of hands on my shoulders, hugging me.

I turn around to see Mingi's goofy smile. He takes my small hands in his, envoloping them entirely in his.

It feels like all his love is flowing through that one touch.

I look at him in curiosity, love and just a tad bit of concern.

He assures me that my assumption was right, it was a prank after all.

But I knew that he wanted to say something.

I pressed his hand in an encouraging manner. Hoping that that would help. And it did.

Mingi became relaxed. The more relaxed he became the more of his butterfly characteristics I saw first it was just his antenna, then slowly his wings started showing up little by little.

I could tell that the atmosphere and my presence relaxed him. He was absolutely breathtakingly beautiful.

I loved seeing his wings. The orange, red, yellow and black reminded me of the most spectacular sunsets I have seen. Only better.

We both relaxed enough for him to wrap his wings around me to comfort me cuz I was still a bit high strung after his darn prank.

With my emotions on the high they already were on, kissed him surprising both of us. It was sweet this time, not sloppy and forced.

Just right.

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