A rampaging Primeape goes bananas, the fire trail begins

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On the way to Celadon city, our heroes stopped for lunch. Ash was sulking as the others from pallet has five badges while he only has three.

While eating, Pikachu noticed a Mankey nearby. It then hopped over Brock, wanting a rice ball. After it was given one, it sat on a nearby rock to eat.

Ash scanned the new Pokemon, wondering if he could catch it. 

"Mankey the pig monkey Pokemon.  Known for its superior footwork, it packs a powerful punch." His Pokedex said.

He was about to throw a Pokeball at it, but was stopped by Bea.

"That's not a good idea Ash, Mankey's are easily angered." Bea told him. "If you anger it, it will be near impossible to calm down." 

"Oh." Ash said as he listened, knowing as a fighting type gym leader, Bea knew what she was talking about.  

Unfortunately, their lunch was interrupted by team moron. The pig monkey checked him out in curiosity, only to be kicked away.

This obviously angered the pig monkey Pokemon, but team rocket was too stupid to understand what they did.

"Have the three of you lost your minds?! Misty yelled at them.

"Don't worry Misty." Bea said. "They'll be getting a beating of a lifetime for that stunt."

Team rocket raised an eyebrow at that, when they asked what she meant. She merely twirled her fingers signaling them to turn around, which they did and saw that Mankey has evolved into Primeape.

"Crap! It evolved!" Ash said as he scanned the newly evolved Pokemon.

"Primeape the pig monkey Pokemon. If you make eye contact with this evolved form of Mankey it will chase you forever."

"Chase us forever?" Misty yelled in horror. 

Unfortunately, the Pokedex wasn't finished yet.

"Once it Primeape begins it's strongest attack thrash, it goes completely out of control." The device continued.

"Crud!" Y/n said.

Jessie tried to shoo Primeape away, but the pig monkey Pokemon merely punched her face first into a nearby rock, the other two tried to help, causing a all out melee.

While four was fighting in the all out melee, our heroes decided to back away. Unfortunately Primeape made quick work of team rocket and was now chasing them.

When it tried to pounce on Brock, Iseult quickly created a shield to block it.

No matter how hard it tried, Primeape was unable to break though the shield.

"Iseult, let me handle this." Ash said while pulling out a Pokeball.

"Your sure?" She asked. Getting a nod. "Then go for it!"

She lowered the shield after Brock moved away, Ash then sent out Charmander.


Charmander blasted a stream of fire at Primeape, who dodged and used mach punch.

"Dodge and use inferno!"

"Inferno? That's a high leveled move." Bea said in slight surprise.

"We were surprised too, but Charmander managed to master it in a few hours." Y/n explained.

Charmander fired a ball of flames that hit it's mark, Primeape  cried out in pain as it was burned.

"Now dragon rage!"

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