Fixing the power plant, helping B/n with the magma Pokemon

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Upon arriving at the polluted industrial town of Gringey City, our heroes notice that has become faint and sparks are coming out of his cheeks. This worried everyone so Y/n and Iseult created a aura bubble around them. They then used it to quickly roll to the Gringey, knocking aside team moron along the way.

When they reached the Pokemon center, they met with a uncharacteristically irritable Nurse Joy, who dismisses Pikachu's condition as a cold. When Ash yells at her for not being very helpful, she explains that the sparks coming out of Pikachu's cheeks are an early symptom of a cold in Electric rodent Pokemon.  

The power suddenly went out, causing her to panic. She reveals that there are many Pokemon in emergency care and without the power their in big trouble.

Our heroes decided to go to the power plant to fix what's going on, They receive directions from Officer Jenny, and Pikachu comes out of the nearby bushes. Misty realizes that Pikachu was afraid that they wouldn't return for him later,  so they let him join in a aura bubble.

The group enters the power plant and notice that nobody is there to greet them. Misty locates a map and points out the direction to the central control room.  Y/n then sensed something, he turned to see a Magnemite. 

Y/n scanned it with his Pokedex.

"Magnemite the magnet Pokemon. A Electric and Steel Type. At times, Magnemite runs out of electricity and ends up on the ground. If you give batteries to a grounded Magnemite, it'll start moving again."

Curiously, the magnet Pokemon was circling Pikachu, Ash looked to Iseult as she has it's final evolution.

"I think it's because Pikachu stored up so much electricity that he's become magnetized. It's only interested of Pikachu because of it, once he's better it'll leave him alone." Iseult explained.

Suddenly a foul stench suddenly appeared, causing everyone to cover their nose and the guardians to nearly faint due to their heighten senses. They turned to the source to see a group of Grimer.

"Who's that Pokemon?"  Ash asked as he scanned them with his Pokedex.

"Grimer, a Sludge Pokemon. Born from sludge, these Pokemon specialize in Sludge attacks."

"That must be what's causing the power outage , these Grimer must be clogging the sea intake valve, preventing the power from coming back on." Y/n said.

"What makes you say that?" Iseult asked.

"Coco once had to deal with the same problem early in her ranger duties."

"Oh yeah, you were at her at the time weren't you?" She asked Y/n who nodded. "Well then lets make them leave."

Y/n and Iseult sent out their Lucario and Magnezone due to their steel typing.


"Dragon pulse!"

Both attacks hit their mark and managed to scare of some Grimer, but more appeared along with another Pokemon.

"Muk, Grimer's evolved form. Use extreme caution, as its slimy form contains poison." Ash's Pokedex beeped.

"That must be their leader, thunderbolt!" Iseult said before commanding.

Magnezone fired a thunderbolt at the sludge Pokemon, this managed to scare of the rest of the Grimer but the Muk remained. 

Iseult was about to order another thunderbolt, the Magnemite that was circling Pikachu knock out the ceiling grate, and several Magnemite and Magneton  arrive. A combined thunderbolt from the evolution line was able to knock the sludge Pokemon out.

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