The ghost of the peak, helping B/n with the guardian of the sea

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The boat that Y/n and his friends arrive in the port city of Maiden's Peak to attend the Summer's End Festival. 

Brock seemed be smitten by a beautiful girl standing by the sea who disappears. More smitten then usual Y/n noticed.

They others learned James is smitten with the same girl, what worries Y/n was the two were unresponsive to anything and everything.

A old lady told them that the girl they saw was the ghost of the maiden, who waited for her lover to return from a ancient war and eventually turned into stone. She said that the two has fallen under the maiden's spell.

The old lady offered them "tags" to protect them from the two from the maiden's spell for a price, Y/n tried to warn them of the tags being fake, but he was ignored except by Bea and Iseult. The latter sensing the tag were fake as well.

"We're surrounded by idiot's." Y/n grumbled faceplaming. Bea and Iseult could only nod.

Much to the surprise of everyone but the guardian's and Bea, the tag's didn't work and the two love smitten boys were drawn to the maiden's peak.

When there, it revealed the maiden's spirit and the old lazy from earlier was a Gastly. What caught their interest was it can talk.

Ash and the others tried to defeat the gas Pokemon to free Brock and James from it's spell, but it countered them with it's powerful illusions.

Y/n decided to step in, knowing this will get out of hand quickly.

"Vulpix battle time!" Y/n sent out his starter.

"Well now, i never though i see a white Vulpix. But will it be enough?' The gas Pokemon taunted.


Gastly winced in pain as a psychic blast struck it hard, It tried a shadow ball, but it backfired with Vulpix knocked it back with iron tail.

"My turn, take this!" Misty said hold up a cross.

"And what's that?" Asked Gastly.

"It's a cross." Misty said. " I also got garlic, a stick and a hammer." Pulling out said items, not noticing her friends sweatdrop which grew larger with each item.

"What do it/i look like? A vampire or something?" Y/n and Gastly asked Misty in disbelief after stumbling.

Suddenly a bell rung, which means it's morning.

Gastly started to fade away, saying that it hates sunlight. It told them the ghost of the maiden and the old lady will be back next year.

When night came our heroes enjoyed the festival one last time, putting what happened behind them.

At the stone where the ghost maiden is, the real one appeared.

"Thank you Gastly. For keeping my legend alive." She said with a smile before fading.

The next morning

Y/n and the others were on the way to Lavender town, after a argument with Ash on where to go, they agreed to go to Lavender town for a ghost type Pokemon.

Suddenly a people riding a UFO like machine came up to them, Y/n recognized them as Pokemon pinchers from B/n.

Y/n was ready to blast them out of the sky, knowing they can't be up to anything good.

The pinchers quickly held up their hands in surrender, before explaining why they were there.

They said they needed his help, their leader Blue eyes was in trouble. They been searching for something in the Oblivia sea, but something had struck her and sent her deeper.

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