The Tuskeri Manor

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"Aye," Ava crossed her arms in front of her and tried to appear resolute and tough, "as Xyra said, it's our only option."

That was all Theo needed to hear. She quickly got up from her chair and began to walk out of the restaurant.

"I don't think I'll ever get used to that," Ava muttered to herself but Xyra heard it and laughed. They each got up and followed Theo. Ava wasn't sure where they were headed until the ship was in sight. They were returning to let the others know of the news, presumably.

Upon arriving though, three men wearing expensive clothes and leather armor stood on the gangplank to the ship. Morgana was back from shopping and she stood at the top of the plank, arms crossed in front of her. It looked as if she was in a staredown with the other men and she was unmoving in her glare. Theo broke out into a brisk walk upon seeing the exchange and made her way up the gangplank, the other three of them waiting on the docks below.

"Mor?" Theo called her attention to get a read on what was going on.

"These three claim to be with the Tuskeri traders. Said they are coming to inspect the shipment," Morgana answered and Theo motioned for Morgana to step aside and let the men onto the ship.

Theo walked on with the rest of the men and Ava followed once the path to the ship was cleared. Theo turned to the men once they were on the deck, "My apologies for being absent and for making you wait outside the ship. As you can understand my crew is under strict order to not allow anyone on board without me present. What can I help you with?"

"We've come to inspect the shipment and then bring you back to our manor for your allotted payment," one of the men said, tall and large with a gruff voice.

Theo glanced at Morgana and then at Xyra, giving an unspoken command to be ready to go, even Ava picked up on it, "Our delivery date is not until tomorrow. I have plans made for the rest of the day and this would be terribly inconvenient.

"Boss heard you were in town and wants his shipment now," the gruff man said, "Don't want no prying eyes inquiring about the cargo."

"That is fair," Theo gave a charming smile, "I will rearrange my plans but your boss should know my flexibility comes at a price."

"I'm sure you can work that out with him," another man spoke up, shorter and noticeably squeakier in his tone than his partner.

"I'm sure I can," Theo said with a smile and then called over two deckhands, "lead these men down into the storage room. Miss Yurwa should be down there and she can show them the shipment. Now, if you'll excuse me, I was not expecting to make a long journey today so I need to change my shoes."

The women began to lead the men down into storage and Theo's polite smile fell into one of disgust the second the men turned away. She jerked her head towards her quarter's and the rest of them followed. No sooner was Theo through the door, her movements became quick and rushed.

"Mor, send out the vanguard now before the men come back up. According to the map, their manor is about 20 feet on all sides from the treeline. Have them sneak into the woods and camp out there for us. Once we arrive, if we are not out in a half-hour then they are to infiltrate the building," Theo instructed and jogged over to one of her large trunks then began to toss things out it.

"Aye," Morgana agreed, "I have Oceane leading the charge on that. Iona is coming with us," Morgana relayed who she had chosen to lead the vanguard in her absence.

"Good call, we'll need an archer on the outside if things go south," Theo agreed with the decision, and with the confirmation that the plan was set to begin Morgana left the room to give out commands.

Hell Hath No Fury - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now